Tuesday, August 31, 2010

I realize I haven't posted for quite awhile. A lot of things have gone on, but I haven't felt like posting anything here for some reason.
Today was a beautiful day here in TN. I'm dreaming of traveling again. I think it is something to distract me from the monotony of life as a person unable to work a job. It also is distracting from my feeling down and stressed recently.
I realize I have a lot to be thankful for as well. I'm sure a lot of people feel trapped in routines who either work outside or inside the home.
Some people feel trapped who are out of work even if they are able bodied.
One thing that is good is to start thinking about other people and looking to Jesus to ask Him for joy and ways to serve Him. That is something I need to do.
So, while I have a strong desire to travel, I know that I will have to wait for the right time when things come together if that's meant to be.
The same is true for other things in life. I struggle with thinking ahead too much. I really need to just enjoy what I have while I have it and trust God to help me when the blessings seem to fade away. I tend to focus on negative feelings too much.
I hope this introspective post isn't too depressing to my readers. In late September or early October I hope to have some interesting things to share about a trip to Knoxville for a family member's doctor appointment. There isn't much to see there, but I hope to see one or two interesting places. We plan to spend the night, so I will get to rest up a bit.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Beautiful Singing

This 7 year old's mother died in Nov., 2008. I think her website says she sings for the glory of God. She also sings Amazing Grace. I saw online a video of her mother singing and talking before she died of ovarian cancer. Rhema (pronounce Rayma I think by her mother) has quite a gift. I hope she will not go wild like most girls who get fame early.
I'm sharing this video she did with some guy of a Celine Dion song called The Prayer.

The Prayer - Amazing 7yr old Rhema Marvanne from Rhema Marvanne on Vimeo.