Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving Day Tomorrow!

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day in the U.S.A. It's a day to thank God for our blessings based on a time when the then natives shared with the immigrant pilgrim settlers.
Things have been stressful in our household with medical and other things going on, but I need to remember to thank God for what I do have and the blessings from the past.
I can be thankful for family and salvation from eternal death and sins.
I'm thankful that God has continued to provide our needs in spite of some things that make it uncertain at times in what manner He would do it if things changed. He still promises to provide our needs.
I'm not oblivious to the news and what is going on in Korea for instance or Haiti, or I'm sure things are no picnic for people in Pakistan. For those who know the Lord in those places it is still tough, but Jesus is the One constant that we can hold onto in faith. He helps us through and to shine brilliantly in the end through these trials, even if we go to be with Him when disaster hits.
Happy Thanksgiving Day to all of my friends even if you are not an American. I think many countries have their own version of Thanksgiving, and for those who don't you can always start!