Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Josh Wilson - Fall Apart (Acoustic Performance)

I shared this song once before on my blog, but I thought it was worth sharing again.
This is not the album version this time though.

Even though life may seem tough and some people are facing very difficult situations, it's encouraging to me to know as a Christian that God will work all things together for the good of those that love Him. That doesn't mean escape from the trials. I'll admit that's often what I'd like. I know that God uses suffering to help me grow spiritually and become more like Christ.

Whether you or a loved one are facing trials or tragedies or persecution for the sake of Christ, I hope that this song will be an encouragement to all Christians out there.

"And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose." Romans 8:28 NASB

Who will separate us from the love of Christ? Will tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?

Just as it is written,

But in all these things we overwhelmingly conquer through Him who loved us.
For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Romans 8:35-39 NASB

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Biblically-Anemic Preaching: The Devastating Consequences of a Watered-Down Message

Churches so often have entertainment to try to bring people in. That can often water down the message to the level of watching an entertaining TV program that may make it seem ludicrous rather than serious. Some church programs and events I feel are actually are more of a turn off or lead to easy believism, and there have been some that I have actually walked out of with the bad language, etc., that upset me. Skits, plays, the social gospel or spending a lot of time on politics and Americanism in an actual church service doesn't help me or anybody else to grow spiritually.

I've been in a couple of churches where the music was so loud that I was afraid my hearing was getting more damaged...literally. It certainly didn't help me to worship better. In fact, I went outside to listen once or twice.
A lot of "worship" songs and even some old hymns out there have shallow and/or unBiblical lyrics which make me cringe.
Some song lyrics are even shallow to the point of devaluing Jesus in the minds of the singers and listeners.
I know there are some good songs out there with Biblical lyrics and tunes...don't get me wrong. The problem is that music directors in churches do not always have the discernment to know which songs are doctrinally sound and which are way off. They also don't all consider what will help the most number of people to actually think about the words instead of being annoyed by the music.

"For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword,
and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and
marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart." Hebrews 4:12 NASB

I found the following article hard hitting and helpful on what to look for in a pastor. It's also very helpful for pastors to read as well...if you know one that you'd like to share it with.
It's about how preaching should be about God and the Bible instead of self, entertainment, and sticking on superficial bandages. Novel idea these days, huh?
Please check out the link:

Biblically-Anemic Preaching: The Devastating Consequences of a Watered-Down Message

"Faithful are the wounds of a friend, But deceitful are the kisses of an enemy." Proverbs 27:6 NASB

Friday, November 25, 2011

Mary, Did You Know by Jubilant Sykes in Grace Community Church Christmas...

Thanksgiving Day is over...not that we can't give thanks to God other days.
The song below is written by Mark Lowry, but Jubilant Sykes does the best rendition that I've heard.
I was once at one of the Christmas concerts at Grace Community Church, and I had the privilege of hearing Jubilant sing this song. Wow! It was years before this video that someone took, but still I think you will get the idea. We'd heard Jubilant at the church when I was younger (not during a concert), but this song I heard him sing when I was an adult was the most memorable for me.
It stirs the imagination as well as the emotions.
The lyrics are worth listening to! They help me to think not only about how Mary must have felt, but it also make me think about the greatness of God and focus on Jesus' life.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving Day Tomorrow!

"Rejoice always; pray without ceasing; in everything give thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus." 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 NASB

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day celebrated here in the U.S. Not only did Pilgrims have reason to give thanks to God back when they had made it through tough times, but today I can also give thanks for God's provisions for us. He rescued my soul from eternal death and forgave my sins. He has provided me with food and all that I need both physically and spiritually.

Even the tough times I know He is using for my good.

This is a Petra song that is a ballad sung by John Schlitt.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

180 Movie Closed Caption Languages Available On YouTube

The documentary that changed minds to being pro-life...

”180” Movie should be available with closed captioning on YouTube in 19 languages by Monday or Tuesday:

1) English
2) Spanish (Mexico)
3) French
4) German
5) Portuguese (Brazil, Portugal)
6) Russian
7) Chinese
8) Japanese
9) Italian
10) Polish
11) Albanian
12) Croatian
13) Estonian
14) Latvian
15) Norwegian
16) Romanian
17) Slovak
18) Swedish
19) Dutch

(Japanese and Chinese should be uploaded on Monday.)

To access the Closed Captions in your language Click to Watch on YouTube (lower right of video screen says YouTube...Click on that) and Click on the “CC” under the video on YouTube and find and select your language. Please share with all of your friends.

Read testimonies of people who have watched "180" Movie at the following link:


See endorsements including John MacArthur, Randy Alcorn, etc.:


Friday, November 18, 2011

Classic Petra Clips

This is a fun nostalgic post. Some of you have heard of Petra, and some remember back when Greg X. Volz was lead singer. I liked John Schlitt as lead singer, but I enjoyed some of the older Petra as well. Now they are both considered classic Christian rock history! I do not recommend watching TBN at all, so please don't!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Song From The Grace Card

The Grace Card has been out on DVD for awhile now, and I found it worth watching. I may have shared about it before awhile back. Forgive me if this is a repeat. It is about showing love and grace and forgiveness even in really difficult circumstances. I enjoyed this song...again...not endorsing the group. This video brings back memories of the movie. If you get the chance, you might want to try it out. I'm not saying it's perfect, but there is a good lesson to be learned, and it really tugs at emotions.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

"180" Movie and Abortion

‘Remember now, that You have made me as clay; And would You turn me into dust again?
‘Did You not pour me out like milk And curdle me like cheese; Clothe me with skin and flesh, And knit me together with bones and sinews?
‘You have granted me life and lovingkindness; And Your care has preserved my spirit.
Job 10:9-12 NASB

In late September, a video that is just over 33 minutes was released online and in DVD form entitled "180" Movie. I have shared about it on my blog a number of times already, and I have given updates as well as listing ways that you could help promote it. There have now been more than 1 and 1/2 million views online by YouTube's counting method!

  Many DVDs have been distributed on college, university and high school campuses. Others have been sent by mail or have been handed out to various people around the U.S. and in other countries as well.   I gave some to waitresses, and had one each submitted to the library of the church I attend and the local public library.  I also gave some to other people including a neighbor who showed it to some co-workers.

What is so interesting or compelling about this documentary that it has taken the internet by storm and stirred up controversy? It compares the historical Holocaust with a modern day Holocaust -- namely abortion. It gives facts and then puts people in the position of imagining what they would do in a situation where they were told to do something that would cause the death of others during Hitler's day. Hitler was known to dehumanize Jews and the disabled, etc. Then the questioning turns to what people think about abortion. A number of people actually appear to do a "180" from being pro-abortion to pro-life during the course of the interviews with them.

The Gospel is also presented in this video, which encourages a person to think about whether they have broken God's commandments.   This may add to the controversy, but I find it to be the most important element. 

If you are interested in some background on the interviewer's interest in the subject of abortion, you can check the following link:

  Have you ever lied, stolen, lusted after someone or something that belongs to someone else?  If you have broken any of God's commandments and not believed in His Son , God is the Holy and Righteous Judge that will one day be faced. When you stand before God, will you be considered guilty? God made a way for you to be made right with Him...acquitted. He so loved the world that He sent His Son Jesus to die and take the punishment you deserve, so that if you confess your sin and turn from it and believe that Jesus died for your sin and that He rose from the dead conquering death...you will become His child and be forgiven and have eternal life.

"Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because he has not believed in the name of God's one and only Son."
 John 3:18 NASB

Below is a video of how you can distribute "180" Movie to high schools.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Story of Adoption

This is a really fantastic adoption story!  What child was more wanted than this child?  So many people want to have mothers be able to take a baby's life before she or he comes out of the womb, when there are couples out there willing and eager to adopt children and show them love.  I think that some mothers in China try to be like Moses' mother in the Bible and hope and maybe even pray that someone will rescue their child.

Elle's Story from Grace Community Church on Vimeo.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Josh Wilson "Jesus Is Alive" Live at Fandana Festival 2011

Josh Wilson's Christmas song that was released this month is available for purchase on iTunes now. http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/jesus-is-alive-single/id473465565
I found this older live video of it on YouTube. The lyrics are pretty good. I think it takes more than one listen to grow on a person, but I hope you enjoy it! It's not too early to think about Christmas, and we can think about Jesus being alive all the time anyway.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

The Gathering - Sovereign Grace Music -Update

There is a new worship album put out by Sovereign Grace Music officially scheduled to come out November 15, 2011  (although I know there were problems the last time they had one come out with them not getting it downloadable on their site for awhile).  The new album is called The Gathering.   It is the same name as the conference they had when/where I believe it was recorded.  I'm interested to hear samples of the songs and see the lyrics.  They try to have sound Biblical lyrics, and I hope this one will measure up some to their last album Risen.
UPDATE November 12: You can buy The Gathering album online from now until November 14 for $5 online. You can now listen to the music:

Friday, November 4, 2011

Moral Relativism Exposed

In the 1980s, a guy named Steve Taylor wrote and performed songs with strong messages that still apply today.  This song deals with subjects like abortion, homosexuality and politicians' deceit.
Today,  there are people so far down the path of moral relativism that they make believe that all of these behaviors are okay that are mentioned in the song.  As a Christian, I know that God doesn't change.  His Word doesn't change, and one day we will all answer to Him for the sins we commit.  People lie, steal, cheat, lust, put other things before God, hate and murder.  When we repent (are sorry for and turn away from sin and to God) and believe/have faith (which He gives) in Jesus' sacrifice for our sin and in His resurrection conquering death, we receive forgiveness and the mercy and the special love and grace offered to us. It is all a gift of God, not of works. We are then saved/redeemed from the punishment that we deserve.  We have a relationship with God as His children then, and we will have eternal life full of joy in His Presence.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

My First Oil Painting

This was the first and only completed oil painting I've ever done.  I started another one some years back now, but I have never completed it.  I hope to work on it someday, but it may be a bit messed up since it dried already for so long.  I have a book for helping me with the second one.  If I ever finish it, it may be my last oil.  I may use the book to just help me paint with acrylics.  It may not look quite as spectacular, but it is easier to work with.  Most of the paintings I did before were acrylic anyway and a small amount of water color ones. I watched an instructional DVD to do this one you see, but I made a little bit of a change to it. Some of you have seen it before. I hope you like it!