Monday, January 30, 2012

Helpful Links For Christians Part 2

Below are some more links that I recommend.  Please click on the underlined titles to go to the pages.  I finally took notice that I could check a box that would let you open in another window.  This should make it easier for you to check them all out while keeping my site open as well.

Getting the Gospel Right by John MacArthur  -  So many people don't even understand what the Biblical Gospel is, and then they try to explain how to share with others.  The article linked above helps to define elements of what repentance and faith really are, etc.

Men and Women and The Public Reading of Scripture by Tim Challies - I really agree with this article, and it makes me cringe that so many churches do not think about this issue in relationship to the church.

Be Who You Are sermon by Kevin DeYoung  - This was a good message about unity or identity in Christ that I listened to when staying home from church because of illness.  While I was a bit bothered by his ad-libbing what God or the Spirit says (which other pastors I've heard have done as well), overall it was great.  I heard Kevin DeYoung live online when he spoke at the Master's College recently, and I saw a blog post he did critiquing a viral video that so many people were sharing.  So far I've been pretty impressed.  He's part of the Gospel Coalition.

The Myth of Mother Teresa by Tim Challies - This may be challenging to those who like to praise Mother Teresa as an example to follow.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Monumental (Trailer)

Kirk Cameron has been working on a documentary type movie for a long time now, and it's finally scheduled to be released this Spring.
I don't know what the final conclusion is with it yet. I don't know if it is just about trying to change the nation, or if it's about people's need of a change internally that can only be brought about by the Lord.
It will be interesting to find out.  Some of you have already seen this, but I thought I'd share the official trailer on my blog anyway.  I thought I had shared about Monumental in the past, but I can't seem to find it!   Perhaps that was just on a social media site.  I had been following about it for a long time anyway.

The official website once again is:

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Can You Reach My Friend?

Have you ever wanted someone to to have saving faith in the Lord so much that you cried over them?   I have before.  The song I'm sharing today is an older one again that expresses someone caring about a friend and praying for them.  While the lyrics could be criticized for not being 100% Biblically based, I think that a lot of people can relate to the expressions of love and longing behind the song.

If you are wondering exactly what it is that this song is expressing the desire for people to understand and why it matters so much to people like me, then please check out the link below.
Your eternal destiny is at stake:

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Helpful Links For Christians

"And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect." Romans 12:2 NASB

The following link is about how the church is becoming more like the world:

This next link I found is about spiritual discernment.  So many churches have lost the focus on doctrine and a clear understanding of Scripture  (if the people even actually read their Bibles):

For those of you who are Christian believers, if you haven't heard the following message and would like to hear a good message on dealing with trials:

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Card Art Fun

These are two of my cards that were done in the past.  I painted the originals, and they were then copied onto card stock paper and cut and folded.  I think it's fun to sometimes send cards that are uniquely my own.  Some of you are probably artistic and do similar things.  Even if you don't paint or draw, you can cut out or buy paper shapes and use stickers or magazine photos/art to glue onto blank cards or cardstock paper. 

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The Warrior Is A Child

I've thought about this song within the past week. While it doesn't describe me entirely, I felt I could relate to a part of it.

I hope that it will be an encouragement to those of you facing stressful circumstances.
Perhaps you have been trying to share the Gospel with someone and been insulted or yelled at. Perhaps there are other circumstances where you are having spiritual battles or trials. Sometimes I need to take a break and get away from the battles even online and get refreshed by reading God's Word.

Even if the battle is against your flesh and temptation or evil thoughts that come into your mind, it's good to know that we can have victory.  Prayer and reading the Bible can help me.  I can think about Peter stepping out on the water and looking at Jesus.  So often I look at the circumstances, and I break down in tears. I'm thankful that God is always there for me.

Our soul waits for the LORD; He is our help and our shield. For our heart rejoices in Him, Because we trust in His holy name. Psalm 33:20-21 NASB

"But the Lord is faithful, and He will strengthen and protect you from the evil one." 2 Thessalonians 3:3 NASB

"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction so that we will be able to comfort those who are in any affliction with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God. For just as the sufferings of Christ are ours in abundance, so also our comfort is abundant through Christ." 2 Corinthians 1:3-5 NASB

Monday, January 16, 2012

My Concerns About Rick Warren

I know that Rick Warren is very popular out there, but as a Christian I have very serious concerns about him. One of the issues I have with him it that it seems that he is rather ecumenical relating to Catholics.
Furthermore, he seems to want to connect with people of other religions like Muslims and Catholics without proclaiming the Gospel to them.

I strongly hold to the belief that it is important that they hear the Truth from God's Word rather that just getting along and working together on projects. In fact, my thought is that if we are not to be unequally yoked with unbelievers (2 Corinthians 6:14-16) that means that we really shouldn't have a goal of working together with them. 

I read in a blog post by someone else (I won't name him here as I'm not exactly solidly quoting) that this means not to work together in ministry or for the forwarding of the Gospel with them. We may not be able to choose who passes things on, but we should make it clear that we do not hold the same beliefs or solicit them to work with us is my thinking. I probably have made some mistakes on this in small ways myself, although not intentionally.

After all, the point is not to make people of other religions happy with us, because the Gospel is an offense to unbelievers. Isn't it more important to show true love by giving people the Gospel and showing them the error of their ways than trying to make them feel good while they are going to hell? I know that sounds a bit strong, but isn't that what it can do?

Here is a video that adresses another one of the issues I have with the teaching of Rick Warren.

The following is a link that has to do with fads in the church that are problematic. Rick Warren's book The Purpose Driven Life is included.

Here are some other links about Rick Warren that I am updating this blog post with:

Friday, January 13, 2012

God's Not Dead Music Video

This may not be heavy on Theology, but I enjoy listening to this song by the newer Newsboys (which is what I consider them). 

The group is definitely different without Peter Furler, so I'm glad Peter is singing again solo. 
I really enjoy Peter's solo album On Fire from last year (2011). 

Michael Tait has a nice voice, but I still think of him more as a DC Talk singer.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

2012 Presidential Primary Issues That Matter To Christians

The Primaries are here for many people in the U.S. Where do the candidates stand on issues that matter to many Christians?

Some of these issues are addressed on this voter scorecard available online:


Romney says he supports marriage between a man and a woman, but he was willing to sign “marriage” licenses for homosexuals. To me that makes it clear that he is not strong enough to follow conscience on this issue. He also is for allowing homosexuals to openly serve in the military.
He is willing to appoint homosexuals to the bench (as judges).  See 2/3 down the page at the following link:
Rick Santorum is supportive of marriage between a man and woman, and he has stood up for it even when it might cost him votes.

Ron Paul claims to be for marriage between a man and a woman, but he would leave it up to the states to decide. This means that states could falsely redefine marriage. This also means there could be fights when people move from state to state. He also supports allowing homosexuals to openly serve in the military.

Newt Gingrich supports marriage between a man and a woman, but he has not been a good example of moral faithfulness.

Rick Perry supports marriage between a man and a woman, but he was for giving vaccines to kids who shouldn’t be having intimate relations to get Hpv.

President Obama does not even support the current defense of marriage law, but he supports homosexuals openly serving in the military.


All of the major Republican candidates claim to be against abortion,
but Ron Paul again would leave it up to the states. That would mean that people in certain states could choose to have killing the unborn legal. Does that sound fully pro-life?

Romney will support a protection act for pain-capable unborn children? Check out these links on him: If this following one is true about Romney, it doesn't sound good:

Newt Gingrich does not think America is ready for a Constitutional ban on abortion Santorum opposes abortion in all cases even rape. I believe he is right on. The child is not responsible for the father’s crime. He supports a Constitutional amendment. Rick Perry supports a Constitutional ban. I believe he recently changed to opposing abortion in the case of rape, but he still hasn’t changed about the life of the mother sadly. It’s never necessary to murder somebody. All efforts should be made to preserve both mother and child.

Obama is for abortion. Also, I have not forgotten about the born alive issue that came up leading up to the last election. Please check out these links: &

To see more information of how the candidates stand on the issues go to:

Who do I plan to vote for? Rick Santorum

Monday, January 9, 2012

"180" Movie en Espanol / "180" Movie in Spanish

For those of you who speak Spanish or have Spanish speaking friends, "180" Movie has been dubbed into Spanish using Spanish speaking actors to voice over the video.
Para aquellos de ustedes que hablan español o tienen amigos que hablan español, "180" ha sido doblada al español con actores españoles hablando a voz en el vídeo.
The original is in English and does not have actors.
El original está en Inglés y no tiene actores.

What changed people's minds on abortion within a short period of time?
¿Qué ha cambiado las mentes de la gente sobre el aborto en un corto período de tiempo?
Please go to and share the following link with your friends:
Por favor, vaya y compartir el siguiente enlace con tus amigos:
To watch and share the English version, please go to:

Friday, January 6, 2012

He Covers Me

This song is very encouraging to me as a Christian.  It isn't new, but it's still worth listening to!

Life can be difficult, and sometimes it can seem overwhelming.

It's a comfort to know that one day I will be free from sin,
and that now God is with me in my trials and battles.

I hope and must trust that God is making me more like Him as
time goes by. I still struggle with sin, but
I know that God will forgive me when I confess my sins to Him.
I want to become more what He wants me to be!

If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous
to forgive us our sins
and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
1 John 1:9 NASB

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

A Drawing of My Mom

My Mom
This is a drawing I did years ago from a photo of my Mom from her senior year in high school.

She was very beautiful...still is!

I've been having some difficulty with my blog recently with the layout getting messed up when I post some videos, so I thought I'd share another one of my art photos.  I hope that I will be able to figure out what the problem is soon.

Meanwhile, you can enjoy seeing what my Mom looked like in high school!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Hell's Best Kept Secret

Happy New Year! It's finally 2012.

This post goes along with my previous post about the lost in the church.

Why is it that people leave the church? What is the Gospel?

This video answers those questions. Please watch it.

This video was put out by Living Waters/Way of the Master.