Monday, February 23, 2015

"What kind of a man is this, that even the winds and the sea obey Him?"

So much seems to be going wrong in the world lately, and there are a lot of stressful things going on in our own lives.
Reading the Bible and praying can help to relieve some of the stress.

I was reading in Matthew 8 today, and I thought the part about the disciples being in a boat with water pouring over could so relate to how many of us can feel...especially myself. They were afraid as most of us are when we think we might drown.  They too had weak faith. I have found myself singing lately, ♫"It never rains, but what it pours," ♫ when it seems the trials are piling up. Jesus' response to His disciples was an encouraging reminder for me to trust God (though it is also seems a bit of a necessary rebuke). 
I often do pray that I will trust God and love Him more. The Bible's reminders are better than my own reminders to myself. Reminding myself is good, but reading the source of Scripture is even more powerful. Jesus showed Himself trustworthy and caring of suffering people while on earth. Yes, I realize I'm one of those who has little faith, and I have also been reminded by Scripture that I can't add a cubit to my lifespan by worrying. That was the encouragement I received a different day. God provides our needs. He always has. He created the universe, the winds and the seas obey Him, and He even cares about me... a rebellious Christian who is so frustrated at being so sinful and wonders how God can keep forgiving.   It seems He often works it out for reminders to be there at the right times in my life...either directly from His Word or by hearing second hand  reminders based on the truth there.

  I was watching MacArthur last night online, and he was talking about reading the Bible being how you begin to understand it. I think that many Christians don't read the Bible much if at all, and they lose out on so much. They are easy prey for false teaching and out of context Scripture twisting. They also lose out on the encouragement that they might have had. It's so easy to be lazy, but you really do get more from drinking from the fountain itself than a bowl of stale water that someone else gives you (which may be contaminated by the filter of another person's mind). I was going through my things that I might share with blog readers today, and I found this rendition of an old hymn that was so peaceful.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Biblical Inerrancy & Criticism

There is such a thing as godly criticism. 

It is very difficult not to develop a critical spirit when you care for Biblical soundness, but that doesn't mean we should avoid addressing all error.  
On the other side there are people who attack people wrongfully and make all kinds of accusations when someone does give godly criticism.  Sometimes the critics of the critics are demonstrating in themselves the very attitudes they are accusing the other person of.
This is why I think we all need to examine our responses - to make sure that we fight against bitterness and sinful retaliation and unrighteous anger. 
We are only responsible for our own attitudes. 
What is our goal?  Is it to get even or to bring glory to God and respond righteously to persecution?
Persecution can come from people who call themselves Christians.  I believe the Bible talks about gentleness in correcting those in opposition.  Some of these people may not be Christians, but they need to be confronted in a way as to point out their error and encourage repentance.
It is difficult for any of us to receive criticism, but while I might be upset at first I usually try to think if there is any truth in it.  Sometimes there is no validity in a criticism, but how I react should still reflect Christ.
Sadly, many Christian leaders think that they are above correction.   Some people have friends or followers who would accuse and slander people who dare to point out sin in their friends or heroes.
Criticisms need to be focused on God's glory and for the spiritual growth of people. 
Calling people trolls or blocking them only breeds anger and bitterness.
I really appreciated the following article:

I'm still going through the book Holiness by J.C. Ryle, and the other week my family here listened to a message that is a good reminder that God understands our weak human condition.  As we face some difficult trials, it is good to know that while we may not always respond the way that we should that God is still patient with those who are His children.

Much of the Biblical criticism some of us have given online as of late has been for the public behavior of Christian leaders and authors who have said that God told them something apart from Scripture, or their implying unity with Roman Catholicism, or acceptance of immorality, or promotion of sensational falsehoods and false teaching (for money) even though the Scripture clearly teaches it is wrong. 
I'm excited about the upcoming Shepherds Conference on Biblical inerrancy coming up March 3-8, 2015.   It is so much needed in today's era where those who profess Christianity have strayed from or outright rejected the Bible's sufficiency, accuracy, truthfulness and relevancy. I'm not sure how much I will get to hear of the conference even though I believe they will stream it online.  
I have a family member scheduled for serious surgery not long before then.  Still, the conference should be good!


Paul Washer: The Great Commission & Biblical Inerrancy from TMAI on Vimeo.