Monday, July 27, 2015

MacArthur on Supreme Court Rulings & The Lies of Planned "Parenthood"

Did you miss John MacArthur's strong message regarding the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling?

Here are some of the things I typed out as the message was being live-streamed.

"Satan just wants to completely obliterate marriage."

"If you've got boys, make sure they grow up to be men. If you've got girls, make sure they grow to be women."

"We will preach the Gospel with loving hearts to a nation of sinners, but at the same time we will proclaim judgment."

If you missed the message, check it out!

We Will Not Bow

Planned "Parenthood" and all abortion doctors know they are involved in the murder of babies, but they have become calloused.
Abortionists either dispose of baby body parts by throwing away / incinerating them or by getting money to "donate" the babies' organs.
They try to distract from their own guilt by attacking the whistleblowers.
Some people try to deny the humanity of babies before a certain stage of life, but the more people learn the more they have to lie to themselves to believe that.
Through the years Planned "Parenthood" alone has been involved in as many deaths as Hitler was.  In the U.S. more than 58 million babies have been killed and worldwide at least 1.7 billion since 1973.  That doesn't even include abortion inducing drug deaths.

We remember a man who killed 6 million people & called it social improvement. - Harry Morgan as Frank Gannon

Planned "Parenthood" and other abortion advocates and practitioners operate on the same notion. 
Mothers and fathers who have their babies killed are guilty of murder and need to repent and turn to Christ.  Murder is a serious sin, and anyone who claims to be a Christian and participates needs to question their being a Christian.

A 14-week-old unborn baby appears to clap its hands together while the parents sing!
Posted by Fox & Friends on Monday, March 30, 2015

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Wait Till It's Free (Healthcare) Documentary & Church Hymn

Some of you may remember when I shared about the documentary IndoctriNation which was about the negative brainwashing that goes on in public schools.
There is a shortened version that you can watch Here & you can now watch the entire documentary See about that HERE

Well, Colin Gunn has another documentary about healthcare called "Wait Till It's Free."  It was apparently released in 2014, but I only learned of it recently.

I was able to watch 20 minutes' worth free, but I have yet to see the whole thing.

Being disabled, I'll admit to appreciating having coverage.
Still, I have seen plenty of the bad effects of the health system over the years, and it is only getting worse the way it's headed.
I have had times in my life of not having insurance and other times when I have been covered by insurance and government healthcare eventually.
It would be interesting to see the rest of what Colin has to say.

Wait Till It's Free trailer from Wait Till It's Free on Vimeo.

See more about the documentary Here.

Church Hymn
I've been hearing a song quite a bit lately, and so it was sticking in my mind for a few days. It's called, "He Will Hold Me Fast." Reading the words, it is something I surely need to be reminded of.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Preaching Conference, Love, Temptation, & Homosexuality

Events & Links Worth Noting:

The Bible & Homosexuality

I wanted to remind people that the conference on The Bible and Homosexuality starts Friday at 7 PM Eastern U.S. time (which would be 4 PM Pacific).
It will be Live-streamed!
This is an important topic in these times, so I hope people will share about it with their friends. The church having the conference has a pastor that was once an adult Sunday School teacher at Grace Community Church in California.

Herald Society Days of Old Conference
Update: Conference postponed until 2016 due to a family member death

If you are a pastor or street preaching evangelist or just an interested Christian, the Herald Society Conference is for you.  I highly recommend it!

Sunday, July 5, 2015

When Times Get Tough

When times get tough how do we respond?

We often seek to escape suffering, and try to find an easier way.
Whether dealing with recent court rulings, personal suffering, or a set back or discouragement in serving God,  people either pull back or they endure with patience.

It's normal to desire another way when facing suffering. 
Jesus on the Mount of Olives (garden of Gethsemane) said, “Father, if You are willing, remove this cup from Me; yet not My will, but Yours be done.” (Found in Luke 22:42.)

The important thing for us is not to react with a sinful response by disobeying when God doesn't take away the trial.  Jesus didn't go to a plan B, even though He was rejected  by His enemies and abandoned by friends.
When we act in obedience and faith and perseverance, we are given grace and God is perfecting us (James 1:4).

Jesus gave us so many examples of obedience and how to endure suffering.
Though He was God, He humbled Himself and became a servant and obeyed to the point of death on a cross (Philippians 2:6-11).

So, what should be my motive for obedience?

Jesus had the motivation of joy set before Him. 
The Father exalted Him, and bestowed on Him the Name that is above every other name, so that at His Name all will bow and confess Jesus as Lord.
We also know that God has love for His sheep, and He laid down His life for those sheep (John 10:11).
I'm sure there are many motives for obeying, reverence, love for God which spreads to others, thankfulness, etc..
We endure for discipline as true children (Hebrews 12:7).
The joy set before us culminates in being with God, eternal pleasures, reward, and no more sin and suffering. 

Are we willing to sacrifice all to follow Christ?

If it means losing our source of income and freedom of speech (as the couple running the bakery in Oregon), if they come to take your children due to teaching them the truth about sin,  if our health suffers, and if our very lives are threatened and even taken....will we take the easy way out?
When others sin, do we pull back and give up or hide?
I think we need to be very careful before we in pride say that we would never run when the going gets tough, but what about the disciples who fled when Jesus was arrested?
Peter even swore He didn't know Jesus.  He was one of the most verbal and brave souls amongst them.  Would I be like Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, & Abednego (only a feminine version)? 
I know that my body reacts terribly to stress.
Then again Jesus' body reacted to a greater stress, and He is the example I want to follow.  I need to fix my eyes on Him (Hebrews 12:2-3). 

So, let's not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we shall reap if we do not grow weary (Galatians 6:9).

I need to love lost sinners, as the only good that is seen in me is really Christ's work and I have no righteousness of my own.

Murderers, homosexuals, gossips, fornicators, adulterers, thieves, liars,  etc. ....those behaviors are not found in the Kingdom of Heaven. 
We also know that such were some of us (Christians), but we were washed (cleansed) by the blood of Christ.  We weren't saved to continue in those sins, but we should see a change wrought in us.  God changes us, and we desire to obey Him.

So, we should have love and compassion though they mock us and prosecute us.

So, let us go out to Him outside the camp, bearing His reproach.
For here we do not have a lasting city, but we are seeking the city which is to come.
Hebrews 13:13-14 NASB

Grace To You has a new Bible app!
This should be great for those who like to have access to some great teaching when they are out and about.