Thursday, June 20, 2019

Christian Encouragement, Creative Christian Women, & a Personal Update

Christian Encouragement
Is there someone that you can think of to encourage today?
Andrew Rappaport did some 2-minute podcasts  highlighting encouragement.

We All Need Encouragement

Encourage Someone Today

Creative Christians Ladies
There are a lot of creative Christian ladies who make things to sell from home.
The following are just a few of their that you can check out:

Teenzy Treasures

Personal Update: 
A family member has a torn carotid and had a stroke this month on top of all of the other things going on.   There are other things also going on that need to be dealt with.
It seems that we are being overwhelmed, and we need to depend solely on God.
I'm still having high & low pulses amongst other things and not feeling well myself which discourages me.
I know others are suffering out there, and I'm thankful that people are praying for each other.
It is good to try to not always focus just on our own suffering (though it can be hard not to)!

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Christians Who Deny Inerrancy Plus a Recap of My Emergency & Heart Surgery

How should we respond to those who deny inerrancy?
I've run across a lot of "Christians" who deny the parts of Scripture they don't like.
Here is John MacArthur's response:
John MacArthur's response to Christians who deny Biblical Inerrancy

Personal update:

 I called  911 with my pulse dropping a second time & feeling faint on May 25.
I was alone due to  my Dad being in a nursing home with pneumonia & family visiting him and going for groceries before coming home.
I was able to scoot down the stairs & called my Dad & have him tell me how to breath to calm myself & pray for me as I waited for the ambulance. 
Also, before I went to the door I messaged my sister in CA on FB that I had called 911.
Anyway, the EKG was different, so my new electrophysiologist in another city wanted me moved there. 
Meanwhile my family had gotten home to find me not there, but they saw the phone & oximeter near the front door and found out from the family member at the nursing home where I had gone locally, so that they were with me before being transported to the other city.  One of them went with me in the ambulance.

There is a lot more to share, but in the end they did a pericardial window surgery to drain fluid and biopsy on the outside of my heart. 
I am glad that I had listened to a message Darren Wiebe gave on Psalm 23 about the Shepherd going a shepherd leads with his voice and sheep can follow in the dark.  I was humming & singing a couple of songs...especially the one Darren sang that I knew James Phillipps was supposed to sing on Sunday (my sister actually tried to have me hear it over the phone in the hospital...didn't hear much).  I don't know all of the lyrics, but it was still a comfort.
 O Thou in Whose Presence

It was so hard to endure, and I didn't feel safe about coming home though I wanted to.
It's like being without a safety net except the Lord (I know it all depends on Him).
I am so very easily stressed & weak.  I don't know if the surgery has done any good, but I've been having plenty of tachycardia.  The doctors wanted to test for Brugada syndrome, but insurance doesn't cover it.  $25,000 is too much.  I'm disabled.  So, the test was cancelled. 
I have an infection and had other issues come up. 
My Dad & I came home the same day (June 3rd).

Thank you to the Christians praying.  Please continue to pray. 
Many of my online friends mean a lot to me...some of you especially are dear to me even if conversation online has been limited.

Sorry, I don't feel like fully proofreading today, so if there are mistakes, please forgive me.