Sunday, August 30, 2020

Adoption Finalized, Sudden Sorrow, & Prayer Requests

I haven't shared anything on here for awhile, but I am still alive!

I was happy to see that the adoption story that I've been following finally is complete. It was wonderful that they didn't have to wait until next year after all!

I heard a sobering yet encouraging message by Don Green this Sunday that is something that I believe could be both sobering and encouraging for many people. 
I plan to put the link with the title on here when/if they get it online (see update).
I remember how the Trusting God in Trying Times series made a difference to some people who listened, and I think that this one was good too.

Even when the hurricane of sudden trials comes upon you, there is still hope, though it has been obscured by the present trial.The sun may behind a cloud, but it is still there.
Earthly darkness cannot quench the Heavenly light which is in Christ.
(This was from listening to Don Green..not perfectly the way he said it.) 
Update: All You Need & So Much More 8/30/2020 message by Don Green.

Prayer Requests:
A family member is scheduled for a serious surgery this week which means it would involve a few days in the hospital if all goes well.
I would appreciate Christians praying for us.

Please also continue to pray for Grace Community Church and other churches like them who are facing difficulty from health and state leaders.  
Grace's next scheduled court date hearing is September 4th.

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

He Must Win the Battle

I finished another chapter in the Biblical Doctrine book recently, and I have 3 more chapters to go in the Ephesians commentary (by John MacArthur). 
It's been taking me years to go through these things.
Those who zipped right through, please don't laugh.
It always feels nice to finish a chapter! 
I got the commentary way back when they were having a good sale, and the other book was a gift. 

It's funny how some of the books and messages that I hear end up overlapping each other in what they talk about despite the fact that I'm crawling through the books.
The new chapter I'm reading in Biblical Doctrine (MacArthur/Mayhue) is speaking of angels (holy and not).
The chapter in the commentary that I finished today spoke of demons and the spiritual battle (and it's not about methods to try to get rid of demons), and Don Green (of Truth Community Church in the Cincinnati, OH area) has been teaching recently on the armor of God, etc. ...well from the same book of the Bible (Ephesians). 


And then with what is going on in this nation & even affecting churches, it is a reminder of the spiritual battle that is still going on. 
It's not just about political battles or earthly fighting or about COVID-19.
Satan wants to harm the church and do damage.

I've also been reminded more than once from a few sources about getting into the Word.
We need to not just be snorkeling through it, but we need to dive deep (yeah, I've been listening to Steve Lawson a little too).
The Word sanctifies believers, and it's the Sword.
I know I don't spend enough time in it.
How about you?

Prayer is also important.  God is the one who will win the battle.  
We can't fight in our own strength.

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Support John MacArthur

This is the first amendment to the Constitution:

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

My last blog post addressed how American churches are losing some of their freedom.
Since then, I have learned John MacArthur has been threatened with arrest and $1,000 a day fines against Grace Community Church and John MacArthur himself.
The Church and John are now being represented by a couple of well-trained and experienced lawyers.
The illness is serious, but I believe that Gavin Newsom has abused his authority.
Will the courts uphold the Constitution this time?
That remains to be seen.

See Articles:

John MacArthur has not pushed anyone fearful of the disease to come.  He realizes there are vulnerable and ill people, even though last I heard there had not been a known recent problem with people of the church.

An Important Update from Our Pastor from Grace Community Church on Vimeo.

Last Sunday, John gave a clear Gospel church message, and I hope that people will spread that message:
The Truth About Death, Part 1 (Lessons About Death From Jesus).

Sadly, some "Christians" today would rather support protesters and the admittedly Marxist Black Lives Matter group (who are not standing for what those people think they are standing for).

There are some that are hesitant to stand behind a man (John MacArthur) who is standing up for Scripture's structure of church leadership and practice. 
John has been one to not get into the civil disobedience thing, so when you see him standing up you know it's a matter of conscience based on what he sees in Scripture.

For those who think that their statement was meant to make other elders make the same decision to
allow people to come to church, please read the Responses to Common Questions by Phil Johnson (and Friends). This isn't about a lack of care for anyone's health. 

Some of the state governments are overreaching their Constitutional authority even into telling churches whether they can sing or not.  If people start to get sick, the churches are capable of making decisions.  We can try (and believe me I try) to avoid illness, but one or two times going out even cautiously can get you sick. 
If physical food and healthcare are essential, true churches that teach Scripture are even more important.
In communist and Islamic countries, they try to shut down Christians and the church.
God's truth will march on, but those who try to stop it (governors, mayors, rioters who burn Bibles, or whatever) will in the end lose their futile efforts.
They need to repent and trust Christ, or they will face Him as their Judge in eternity.
I suspect that some governors are on a power trip as well as some are just afraid.

Please, Christians, support John MacArthur and pray for him.  He is not a young man.
He and the elders of Grace are standing no matter the cost much like those we defend in communist countries where they take down crosses and break up churches.
When you see a sports player stand up for the U.S. national anthem, remember that John is standing up for the church being able to follow the Biblical model. 
On another level, he is standing up for what the Constitution says - whether the U.S. Supreme Court will stand up for it or not.
Would you even support him on that level?
There is no need for people to snipe at him with public comments and blog posts just because their church hasn't done the same.
He needs his "friends" to stand alongside him.

Will you let John know that you are praying for him? 
Isn't that the very least Christians can do?