Saturday, February 20, 2021

Stand Up for Pastor James Coates - In Jail in Canada for His Beliefs

 Pastor James Coates is a Master's Seminary graduate who was recently put into jail in Alberta, Canada for holding normal church services.  He is awaiting a trial date last I heard.

They were trying to put such restrictions on the the church that hardly anybody would have been able to go with their arbitrary rules. 15% attendance is ridiculous, and the church doesn't belong to the government.

Some are arguing that this is not persecution, but that is not true.  He is being ill treated for his beliefs which is what persecution is.  This is something that Christians can expect in this world, but we in the west have gotten used to having a lot more freedom than some other countries have.

The Bible tells us that we are to rejoice in suffering.  Yes, James is suffering for the sake of Christ really, and he like others before him has shown the courage of conviction.

So they went on their way from the presence of the Council, rejoicing that they had been considered worthy to suffer shame for His name. 
And every day, in the temple and from house to house, they kept right on teaching and preaching Jesus as the Christ.  
Acts 5:41-42 NASB

This pastor and church are holding to their convictions, and they were making it a condition that he would not preach at the church in order to be released.  He was sneakily shuffled off to jail basically shackled on his way there (not currently), and he's in isolation for awhile due to the COVID quarantine.  He has a family.  This is a real man with real convictions who is following his conscience as a Christian.  He's the real deal.

Christians, please pray for him to continue to be strong and have joy and peace, and please advocate for his freedom.  Thankfully, he does have a Bible with him.  

Here are a couple of people that someone shared that you can contact:

Mike Lake

Mark Smith

This was the e-mail I sent to one of the government officials in Canada (minus my personal information):

The Honorable Mike Lake,

I have learned that a pastor named James Coates was put in jail for holding church.
I am an American citizen, but I am very familiar with the seminary James went to as I used to attend the church that is connected with it many years ago (and some family still does). I am now in Tennessee.

The church is not a business to be treated as such. It belongs to Christ and not the government.
Does not Canada allow freedom to worship God without government restrictions?
If your hospitals are not currently overwhelmed, then that excuse is out the window.
Here in America, many of us know that COVID-19 is not an automatic death sentence.
The amount of people who die is low enough to the level that it is not at all like what was called the Spanish flu from many years ago.
In Tennessee, the churches have no enforced restrictions on them. There are only recommendations.
Our governor recognizes our 1rst amendment rights more than other governors, and the lockdowns in places like California have not made things better there than they are here.

Restrictions actually increase things like suicide, unemployment, and makes it more likely for people to have time to commit crimes or riot.

Most importantly though, GraceLife Edmonton is trying to obey God when the Bible says not to forsake the assembling of yourselves together... The people should be able to make their own decisions. I have heard that like here, these rules have not been made actual laws. So, how can you let them treat them like they are? The government is meant for the punishment of evildoers, and going to church isn't bad behavior. It seems that Christianity is being criminalized, and what they are doing to people by fining & arresting them is actually going to crowd the prisons with good godly citizens who are doing what God has called them to.

Please free James Coates and don't allow them to harass the churches or imprison people for what they believe.
They are not to be hated or feared just because they follow the Bible and aren't panicked.
Christians are some of the most law abiding citizens you will ever know, and they are showing the most love speaking truth.
You can listen to his last sermon here, and see what he has to say.


Saturday, February 13, 2021

Evangelism & Discernment - Conference Highlights

I'm back on here again to share about some some messages and music that I heard when streaming the Truth & Life Conference the other week.

The first message was by John MacArthur on evangelism and was one of the two I thought was especially good.  I wish that I had taken notes!  
Update: Watch it HERE!

Costi did the second session.  I believe that one was also on evangelism.
You can watch it HERE.

The third session was also Costi Hinn (who turned away from the lifestyle and beliefs of his uncle Benny), and he gave a good warning about false teaching (deceptions).  Getting the Gospel almost right is all wrong.
"If you want to please God, don't mess with His message." - Costi Hinn
Costi also warned about the dangers of churches using music from heretics at the conference saying, "Why borrow from Beelzebub?"

I saw one person commenting about how that message was one of the best they'd heard.
Certainly, people do need to hear messages on discernment.
Watch it HERE.

Sam Horn spoke the second day finishing off the conference.

The most memorable song (for me) that Shane & Shane led was sung as a prayer.
The only thing that I avoid when singing this song is the part they added about us crowning Jesus.
I know there are a lot of hymns that say "Crown Him," but I struggle with the concept of in what way do we as humans really crown the God of the universe?  
Well, that's me.  I'm sure people mean it in a figurative sense.  
I still liked the song.

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Forgiveness - Movie & Message

 The Man from Nowhere (2021) is a new movie that The Master's University worked on.  

I haven't watched it myself at this point, but the story is about a man with cancer writing a book for his son and about forgiveness (from the descriptions I've seen).  It could be worth watching.


I heard a message Sunday night that was convicting on the subject of forgiveness.  It was a message about Philemon, Paul, & Onesimus.  It also had some things that he said that might be controversial to people, but he is basing what he says on Scripture. Here is the link: Famous Forgiveness

I had already heard some things about accepting one another from Steve Lawson from the Romans Bible study, so these messages encouraged me to make more effort to make peace with some people on social media.