Monday, December 20, 2021

Merry Christmas & Christmas Concert Highlights

Merry Christmas to those of you who are Christians and visiting my blog this week.  I have not been feeling that well in recent times.  I still have much to be thankful for.  God has provided much for my family despite my great limitations.  

It has been a crazy year with the world in a mess, and so much deception and attempts at control by so many in various places.  I was blessed earlier in the year to be able to make it to visit Truth Community Church one Tuesday night, and I saw the Ark Encounter using a driving wheeled chair.  Even though I had some difficulties on that trip, I am thankful that I was doing better then than now as far as energy goes. Please excuse any mistakes I make in typing this, as my brain is so often tired.  It's a struggle.

What many of us celebrate this time of year is the birth of Jesus to a virgin named Mary, and He was a real man and yet also truly God.  He came to save His people from their sins, and He lived a holy life without sin.  He came to die on a cross to take the punishment for sinners like you and me, and He rose from the dead so that we who trust in Him would be forgiven, have a right relationship with Him, and live forever in Heaven with Him.

And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth. John 1:14 LSB (Legacy Standard Bible)

Jesus didn't come to save good people.  There is none righteous.  All have sinned and fall short of His glory.  You can find that out by reading the Bible.  If you haven't trusted in Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, please go to the Bible reading link I shared..  You can start with searching for and reading John, Romans, or even Genesis.

Grace Community Church Concert

For those who missed the Grace Community Church Christmas concert, here is the video they shared that was linked on their website (from Vimeo). (See more information HERE.)  I hope they don't mind my sharing their official video through this page.  I watched the concert, and it has a variety of styles (so don't stop if there is a song or two that isn't in your taste), and some of the favorite soloists that sing there were in superb form.  The kids were especially cute, and they also had bells and other instruments.

I was glad to see that one choir member was able to make it for the final concert though going through a great trial in life.  


Christmas Concert 2021 from Grace Community Church on Vimeo.

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Christmas Music & Church Music Discernment

Christmas Music

Charlotte Ryerson has an album out that includes a few songs for Christmas (along with a narration by Jack Ryerson).  It's called Friends of The Christ.  I found it worth a listen, and I've listened to the music again since the first time!

You can listen HERE.

Music Churches Should Avoid

In October, a couple of pastors talked with each other on a podcast about what kinds of music should be sung in church (and what music it would be best to avoid).  I recommend this podcast.

Music & The Lord's Day Worship (Nathaniel Jolly & Ekkie Tepsupornchai)

An Old Hymn

I have shared some music by Darby Hughes in the past, and I just found that he has done some new recordings including a couple of Christmas songs.  The following is one of them.  If you like it, you can go to the site to see more.

"Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence"

Friday, November 19, 2021

Legacy Standard Bible Online, GCC Christmas Concert 2021, & Psalm 2 Music

The Legacy Standard Bible is fully online.

In case any of you missed reading about this, they have finished putting the Old Testament section of the Legacy Standard Bible translation text on their website.   So, the whole Bible is there now.  The large print hard copy edition isn't out until next year last I read about it.

Read Here.

Grace Community Church's Christmas concerts are coming up.  For those of you, like me, who can't go in person - December 19th at 6 PM Pacific / 8 PM Central / 9 PM Eastern - they plan to stream one of the concerts at their usual church site stream HEREI look forward to hearing the concerts whenever they stream them.  I only went in person once, but the music is excellent.

Here is information.

Psalm 2 Music

I recently saw someone sharing music of some of the Psalms.  I don't know everything about the person who did the music for the songs, but I looked up a little bit about him.  (I'm not vouching for him personally.)  The following song reminded me of the style of an old Petra one (The Road to Zion) for some reason.  This song sung by Brian Sauvé is focused on Psalm 2.  

Thursday, November 11, 2021

God's Beautiful Display

Today I was able to ride around a little looking at some of the changing colors of the leaves.
They were gorgeous! Now I am suffering pain, but I was glad to enjoy some more views before the leaves have all fallen off.  Today is Veterans' Day here in the U.S., and Thanksgiving Day is coming up this month as well.  While there have been health issues in our family that limits us all, I am still thankful to God for salvation, for mercy, for the provision of physical necessities, and for some of the simpler things in life...including the beauty of the trees and animals and birds.




Friday, October 22, 2021

Fad-Driven Religion

The world is chasing after fads to the point where they are now treating them as religious mandates.
If you don't do and believe as they do, you are considered a heretic and marginalized...even treated as a criminal.
There has been one fad after another, but now they are trying to force their false beliefs upon the world, and it is being used for political purposes.

You have different types of false religions trying to dominate the world. 
While many of those following the world's gods of fads and so-called science don't all consider themselves as religious, they are behaving with the very same dedication and proclamation of their false gospels as any other cult.  I even heard a governor trying to twist things using God as a part of her cult-like beliefs.
I've also seen people who would say they are Christians following after a social type gospel.
Then there are people who are a part of known false religions that admit they are a religion.

There is only one true Gospel found in the 66 books of the Scripture.  You are not saved by whatever deeds the world wants to tell you to trust in.  False religion will keep you having to do more and more, and it will never be enough.  Pleasing man or chasing after ever-changing narratives will never save you.  People lie when they want you to trust in any thing or any person or entity other than the God of the Bible.  To treat you as a terrorist or racist if you don't follow the popular fad or narrative is much like a cult.

Following any false religion or cult will not lead you to eternal life and peace with God.
Satan is good at twisting things to sound pleasing.  He would like to deceive even elect believers if he could.  There are many servants of Satan on earth.  They may see themselves as religious or irreligious, but they are leading down the same path...and it is to death....spiritual death and eternal punishment in Hell.

We need to know the truth of Scripture, and so I would urge you to read the Scriptures.
You can start by clicking HERE.

Friday, October 8, 2021

Encouraging Messages & a Hymn I Like to Sing

Encouraging Messages
There are times when people need to be reminded to trust in and rest in God....well, lots of times.
There were a couple of excellent messages given by Don Green that I wanted to share with you.
One was on Psalm 37 and the other from Matthew 6.
Those who belong to Christ can look to Him to be our hope.
God will also provide.

God Leads His Dear Children Along by G.A. Young
This hymn is listed online as a Public Domain song, so I decided to record it.
I'm sorry it was a poor recording, as other noises would have made it difficult to redo right away.

Monday, September 27, 2021

Reforming Evangelicalism Conference Links & Praying for the Persecuted

Reforming Evangelicalism (A Conference)

 Last weekend there was a conference at Grace Church in Colorado called "Reforming Evangelicalism."  I watched a couple of individual sessions and both Q & A sessions (all good).  I've started one of the earlier sessions, and so far I recommend it.  Phil Johnson and Don Green I have listened to plenty before.  I still haven't listened to Travis Allen, but perhaps I will get to his sessions later.  If you missed the conference and are interested to hear it, I am sharing the links to each session with you.

Session 1 (Travis Allen)  Session 2 ( Phil Johnson)  Session 3 (Don Green)  Session 4 (Travis Allen)

Session 5 (Don Green...this one was encouraging to me)  Session 6 (Phil Johnson)  

Speaker Panel (Q & A)   Speaker Q & A    

Church Service (Don Green)

Praying for the Persecuted

There are Christians being persecuted around the world.  Some are in danger of their freedom or even their lives.  Persecution comes in different forms.  It can be an outright attack due to someone being a Christian. or it can come as a subtler attack on the freedom of Christians and others.  The latter is increasing around the world under the guise of safety from an illness or politically correct thinking.  The former is happening in Communist and Islamic countries.  There are also countries where unrest and warring goes on which puts a lot of people in danger.  

As Christians, we can sympathize with persecution for political and other reasons and support people because of it, but there is a deeper connection and affection for those who are Christians who are under attack (spiritual brothers and sisters).  When Christians are persecuted (fined or imprisoned), physically harmed, or even murdered for their faith in Christ and obeying their conscience, we as believers should rally around and support and encourage them when we can and how we can.  If we cannot do anything else, we can at least pray.  In these dark times, the persecution is likely to increase.  I would like to once again encourage Christians to pray for situations they hear about where people are being persecuted...especially Christian brothers and matter what level of persecution it is.  All true Christians need encouragement and prayer.  An encouraging Scripture verse or letting someone know you prayed for them...well, perhaps you are someone God will use to remind the person of God's love, presence, and continuing care in their most difficult times.

I was reading Acts 12 today where the church was praying for Peter, and an angel of the Lord led him out of the prison.  He went to a house where they were praying, and they were astounded.  God doesn't always choose to rescue people from harm, but sometimes it is within His will.  When you pray for something, and you see the answer like they did...  Wow!  I also heard another message about Acts 16 where in verse 25 Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns when they were in jail.  That is when an earthquake happened...well, you can read the rest for yourself.  Sometimes God does rescue people, and sometimes He uses the death of martyrs for other purposes, but I do think that these passages in Scripture should encourage us (or me at least) to pray whichever the case!  

Monday, September 13, 2021

Truth Matters Conference 2022, New Shepherds' Conference Music CD, & a Song for Your Day

Truth Matters Conference 2022 

This conference (scheduled for May 18th-20th) of next year already has a full registration and waiting list, and some of my relatives are registered (not me).  I was pleased to see that they still plan to stream the conference for those of us who are not going (see HERE), as I love the speaker lineup.  It's something like a dream conference lineup, but watching from a distance will be great!  I won't have to be concerned about how my health is.  I've met Don Green (and heard him live which was something I really enjoyed and wanted to do so much).  I saw (sort of met) John MacArthur in person when I was young quite a bit (and live-stream Grace Community Church regularly on Sunday afternoons), and I saw Phil Johnson at least once at Word of Grace/Grace to You (though I remember the occasion rather than what he looked like).  I haven't met the others in person, but I've seen Justin Peters so many times online that I feel I practically know him.  Darrell Harrison was a great friend on a social media site I used to be on, and I've listened to him some online.  I've seen Jeff Williams streaming online 2 or 3 times (really great presentations).  I've seen Owen Strachan's comments online (not sure if I've ever heard him), and I've heard just a little of Ken Ham.  Well, if all goes well, I hope to stream the conference, and I'm sure I will get to hear about what it was like secondhand...maybe see photos of anybody I might know that my family members meet?  Pretty please?  

Live at Shepherds' Conference, Volume 2

I have the first Volume CD from a previous Shepherds' Conference, and I would love to have this second one.  The conference this new one is from happened just before everything shut down in 2020, and the music is terrific!  You can find out more HERE.  

Song for Your Day

With everything that's going on, it's always good to focus our minds back on Christ.  Here is an uplifting song that is also found in Hymns of Grace.

Saturday, September 11, 2021

20 Years Later from 9/11/2001: Have We Learned Anything?

I have little to say about today. 20 years later from the 9/11 attacks. 
Bin Laden is gone, but the person in the White House left weapons, gave names away to terrorists, and is likely letting terrorists slip in our borders (and perhaps bringing a few in on planes unintentionally?). 

Oh, the hypocrisy of 20 years ago of people singing patriotic songs that included God, and yet they've rebelled against Him in loving evil behavior and ignored all sound wisdom. 
I believe it was right to go after the terrorists, but now whatever we had gained was thrown out the window. 
Only God can bring victory, and when people abandon and rebel against God...will He be on their side?

Deliverance by man is vain.  This country needs to turn to the God of the 66 books of the Bible, repent of loving sin, and trust in Him for forgiveness.

I have no doubt that God will judge the wicked and all terrorists who do not repent and turn to Christ,  but He also judges peoples who are at ease and also do not truly worship Him.

I remember September 11, 2001.  I was listening to the radio in bed in California when I heard the news.  I heard some of the names read today....many, many people.  
Sadly, this could happen again.  
Consider this:  Are you ready to face God?  None of us are good.  We all sin and fall short of the glory of God.  Will you meet God as your Savior or Judge?  Are you sure?
Please watch this:

Sunday, September 5, 2021

Ini Adalah Injil (Indonesian)

Teman, Tuhan itu kudus. Ada Allah di surga yang telah menciptakan engkau dan aku, dan Dia adalah otoritas atas kita berdua. Dia sangat suci. "Di dalam Dia ada Terang, dan tidak ada kegelapan sama sekali" Dan masalahnya adalah bahwa jika kita ingin bersekutu dengan Allah, kita harus terang dan tidak ada kegelapan sama sekali. Namun inilah masalahnya: kita adalah kegelapan. Kita berdosa. Kita semua telah melanggar hukum-Nya. Kita semua telah berbohong, mencuri, kita semua telah melihat dengan nafsu, kita semua marah dengan saudara-saudara kita di hati kita. Kita semua telah gagal memenuhi standar kesempurnaan yang mulia yang Allah tuntut (Rom 3:23) Dan tidak ada yang bisa kita lakukan tentang hal itu. Tidak ada jumlah pekerjaan, tidak ada jumlah penyesalan, tidak ada jumlah perasaan buruk, tidak ada jumlah kehadiran gereja, tidak ada jumlah membaca Alkitab, tidak ada jumlah penginjilan yang dapat memperoleh pengampunan atas dosa-dosa kita dan kebenaran yang Allah tuntut Titus 3:5 Isa 64:6

Namun Allah maha pengasih, dan Dia mengasihi kita, dan sebagai makhluk-Nya Dia ingin menampilkan kemuliaan-Nya di dalam kita dengan menyelamatkan kita dari itu. Jadi Dia mengutus Putra-Nya—Allah dalam daging, Tuhan Yesus Kristus—untuk dilahirkan sebagai bayi kecil yang tak berdaya (Yohanes 1:14 3:16; 2:9 Allah alam semesta, Penopang alam semesta, diri-Nya ditopang di dalam rahim seorang gadis remaja Ibrani, dan menegakkan dunia dengan firman kuasa-Nya (Ibr 1:3O sementara Dia ditegakkan oleh nutrisi dari tubuhnya sendiri! Tak terkatakan! Dan dengan kerendahan hati yang besar, Dia tumbuh dengan rasa sakit hidup yang semakin besar di dunia yang jatuh, meskipun Dia sendiri tidak pernah bersama dosa apa pun — tanpa dosa sepenuhnya (2 Kor 5:21; Heb 4:15 7:26 Dan Dia menjalani kehidupan yang benar. Cara Anda dan saya gagal hidup di hadapan Allah — cara kita gagal dalam pikiran, firman, dan perbuatan, dan gagal dari kemuliaan Allah — Kristus tidak pernah melakukannya. Bahkan tidak ada pikiran. Dia mengasihi Allah, Bapa-Nya, dengan sempurna. Dia selalu berjalan dalam kebenaran yang sempurna. Dia menjalani kehidupan yang diperintahkan kepadamu untuk hidup, bahwa aku diperintahkan untuk hidup, bahwa kita gagal untuk hidup. Dia menjalani kehidupan yang sempurna yang layak untuk Allah.

Dan Dia tidak hanya hidup untuk kita, Dia mati untuk kita. Dia pergi ke salib. Dosa kita menuntut kematian. Dosa kita menuntut hukuman kekal. Dosa kita menuntut murka—hanya murka yang dilakukan pada kita untuk selama-lamanya (Rom 6:23). Tetapi karena nilai yang tak terbatas dari pribadi Kristus, Dia berada di kayu salib itu. Dan di kayu salib itu, Allah melatih kepada-Nya kemarahan penuh kemarahan-Nya sendiri (Rom 3:24); 2 Kor 5:21 Gal 3:10-14, itu benar karena saya dan benar karena Anda, dan bahwa Anda akan mengalami jika Anda tidak berpaling dari dosa Anda dan percaya pada Mesias ini. Kristus lahir, hidup, mati, dan dibangkitkan (1 Kor 15:3-4. Dan Dia bangkit dari kubur setelah mati, menunjukkan kemenangan-Nya atas dosa dan kematian.

Dan sekarang Tuhan berjanji bahwa jika Anda berpaling dari dosa Anda, dan Anda berpaling dari kehidupan mengejar dosa - dan jika Anda menolak tidak hanya perbuatan buruk Anda tetapi perbuatan baik Anda, jika Anda berbalik dari mencoba untuk mendapatkan keselamatan Anda dengan semua perbuatan baik yang mungkin ingin Anda lakukan sebagai orang bermoral — jika Anda berpaling dari semua itu Kisah Para Rasul 17:30–31 dan Anda percaya kepada Kristus saja untuk kebenaran (Phil 3:7–8 Rom 3:28 10:4, Tuhan berjanji bahwa Dia akan mengampuni Anda. Dia akan memperlakukan Kristus di kayu salib seolah-olah Kristus menjalani hidup Anda. Dan Dia kemudian akan memperlakukan Anda, secara adil dan hukum dan benar, seolah-olah Anda menjalani kehidupan kebenaran Kristus yang sempurna 2 Kor 5:21 Dan Anda dapat diselamatkan untuk mengenal Tuhan yang diciptakan untuk Anda cintai dan nikmati. Anda dapat memiliki kepenuhan sukacita, kesenangan kekal yang ada di tangan kanan Bapa di surga (Mzm 16:11), dan mulai bahkan sekarang, karena hidup kekal adalah mengenal Allah (Yohanes 17:3). 

Teman, maukah kau bertobat? Maukah Anda berpaling dari dosa Anda dan percaya kepada Juruselamat yang sempurna ini untuk memanfaatkan Anda di hadapan Allah, untuk membayar dosa Anda dan untuk memberikan kebenaran Anda?

English Text Used by the Permission of Mike Riccardi & Translation Assistance by J. E.
The original text is HERE.

Monday, August 23, 2021

Haiti Quake Relief, Legacy Standard Bible Update, & Puddleglum Song

Haiti Earthquake Relief

I've read that 2,200 or so people died in the earthquake in Haiti that happened recently.  Yes, so many other crazy things are happening around the world and in our country (and even some flooding in the state that I live in) that this major quake has gotten pushed into the background in many of our minds.

Yes, we as Christians need to pray for those in Afghanistan (Christians and also Americans), for those (especially Christians) in China being persecuted, and the myriad of things going on in the U.S. and Canada, etc..  There are a lot of things to focus on, but this circumstance is urgent as well.

There are Christians in Haiti, and people who have basic needs besides buildings that need replacing.  One church that is facilitating aid through those they know in the vicinity affected is Grace Community Church.

They have it set up so that a person can give by choosing "Haiti Disaster Relief" amongst their choices on their giving page.


Legacy Standard Bible

The full Legacy Standard Bible is available for least the small print handy sized version.  I read that the larger sized print (well, I don't consider it large...more normal) should be available next year.  It's still exciting though!

Legacy Standard Bible (Pre-Order Site)

Puddleglum's Anthem

Some family members shared about a singer recently, and this was the first song by her that I listened to.  I know C.S. Lewis was off some (confused in thinking the ransom was paid more to the evil one rather than God saving us from His own just wrath).  At least that is the impression I've gotten about him.  Anyway, I still appreciate the fiction Narnia stories over all.  This song is more of a take off from it, because she jumps from the story to Peter's denial of Christ, etc.  I don't know the singer, so of course, I don't vouch for her on the whole.

This song is interesting though.

Saturday, August 7, 2021

Nearer To My Final Destination

 Life isn't all cake and cappuccino, and it isn't all sorrow and stress.

Sometimes it may seem like the latter, but even in this crazy world there can be reasons to laugh or an encouraging word.  The best encouragement comes from reminders of God's lovingkindness and His ultimately good purposes.  

Sometimes sunshine, rabbits, and flowers are a reminder of God's blessings in this life.  Even the rain and thunder can remind a person of God's power.  He rules over the weather...not the weatherman or anything we do.

I recently finished the Biblical Doctrine book, and I listened to and watched other things about future times.  Knowing of the final outcome...Christ's future reign here and into eternity with a new heaven and really is like a true happily ever after for those who belong to the Lord.  Some of what is now and in between seems fearsome, but I know it is only temporary.

Daily a reminder is needed to trust God through the difficulties and suffering and uncertainty.  The world truly seems to have gone insane, and often we seem helpless.

God is our helper though, even if sometimes we seem to be about to drown without care.  Even when I don't know what to do, I know that only in Him is my hope.  I must trust Him not to let go of us, and it doesn't depend on me.  Even in the tossing waves, God is bringing us nearer to our final destination.  May God cause the waves to grow me closer to Him.  The fires that destroy wood also purifies gold.  The waves that can topple a sandcastle or cause a bird to run can cleanse a wound with the salt though it stings.  I may not know all of God's purposes, so I must remind myself of the truth about Him and pray that He will work in me and through all of the insanity going on in the world.

There are so many little things to remind myself of that God has given me to enjoy, and He's given me His Word to learn from.  I just need to remember to look and find there is something to be thankful for.

Monday, July 19, 2021

Are You Modest?

Likewise, I want women to adorn themselves with proper clothing, modestly and discreetly, not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly garments, but rather by means of good works, as is proper for women making a claim to godliness.
1 Timothy 2:9-10 NASB

Are you dressing in pride to get attention to you and your body?
Are you tempting someone to have sinful lust and thoughts after you...even in church?
Sometimes people do this without realizing it, and some do it on purpose.

Some women intentionally seek after men to flirt with them and to tempt them, and they know exactly what they are doing.

And behold, a woman comes to meet him,
Dressed as a harlot and cunning of heart.
Proverbs 7:10 NASB

Do you want to be known for your godly character as a Christian woman, or do you arrogantly dress with tight and revealing clothing and judge men for having a problem?
Is it not you, perhaps, who also has a problem with being arrogant and being a temptress?
Does your shirt dip down (even a little) or ride high?  
I've been told that even a little can make it difficult for even a Christian man not to look (and of course, many non-Christians will have no qualms about lusting after you).
Do you wear strappy shirts or two piece or high or low cut swimsuits?
Do you leave little to the imagination, or have lines ending and beginning in places that draw attention to areas that should really only be seen by a husband?
Does what you wear cause men to focus on God or to be distracted by looking at you?
I'm not saying having a naturally pretty face is wrong, or that your clothing needs to draw attention by looking like you live in the 1800s or whatever the Amish wear.

Do you serve the Lord in a way that honors God with your behavior and dress (as well as your spouse if you have one)?
Do you love God, or do you seek to be a show off no matter that you are dishonoring God and causing your brothers to either struggle with sin or to look away from you?
People will respect a woman who draws less attention to herself, and displays her love for God by chaste and respectful behavior and a gentle and quiet spirit (see 1 Peter 3).

I realize that men can also dress immodestly in various ways, and that is something they should consider. 

I realize I've addressed the topic of modesty and discreet clothing in the past, but I have seen the subject mentioned, and it is summer.
How we dress and act can reveal our hearts.  
Being attractive is not being an attraction.
Don't think that you are above being tempted or a temptation to someone else.
What are you known for?
What do you want to be known for?
Are you modest in behavior and discreet both in church and out of church?
Are you a careless Christian who couldn't care less, or are you motivated by wanting to love and serve God as well as your brothers?

Saturday, July 10, 2021

The First 3 Commandments

“You shall have no other gods before Me.

“You shall not make for yourself an idol,...

“You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain,...

The first 3 commandments in Exodus 20 remind Christians of God's holiness, a proper kind of fear of Him, and the exclusivity of worship that He is worthy of.

Do we worship God alone?

Do we worship people, creation, or objects more than or alongside of God?

Do we worship sinful desires or pleasure?

Therefore consider the members of your earthly body as dead to immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, and greed, which amounts to idolatry. Colossians 3:5 NASB (1995)

Do we set up objects like icons to represent God, and then treat them like idols?

Do we worship God His way?

What about the 3rd commandment?

Do you use God's name as an exclamation (putting "Oh my" before it for example)? Do you think of or treat His name lightly? Do we sing about Him without really thinking about or worshipping Him? Do our thoughts about God treat Him with the honor and reverence He is worthy of?

The commandments show the character of God, and as a Christian I want to love God more and worship Him as He deserves...not to earn justification (as that is by faith). I get tired of the remaining sinfulness in my heart, and I want to worship God in a manner that He is worthy of. I'm reading Revelation now, and I'm reading and listening to things about eschatology. I look forward to future things, but oh, that I would love and draw near to God so much more. Coldness tries to creep upon me, and I hate that.

Submit therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded. James 4:7-8
NASB (1995)

Friday, June 25, 2021

Only in Him

It's easy to focus on how difficult our situation is, but then I need to remember God's goodness in salvation and provision and to be thankful for that. How much do I trust God? 
In difficult times, this is surely tested.
God has His purposes for the good of His children in that.
I see how weak and helpless we really are. 
My rebelliousness and discontentment of situation are exposed, and I am forced to continually confess to the Lord my sinfulness.
I need to be continually reminded that He indeed has good purposes even if I flail about in uncertainty.  I'm thankful for comments I read or hear that remind me not to question God's love or goodness toward me.

I want to love God more and to obey Him, and I also don't want to compromise Biblical truth.  I don't want to grow cold.  What to do?
The present and future are uncertain, and physical health and mental fog make things harder.
Some days I feel awful, and I know that others in the family are experiencing similar difficulties.
My hope must be in the Lord.  He is our only hope.  Only He is able to provide. One day at a time.
Remembering who He is, and that He will help us through in His way and bring things about in His timing is what I need to cling to.  He knows our situation.  He knows my sinfulness, but He also knows my longing to be closer to Him.  How will we make it through?
Only in Him.

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Alberta Arrests Another Pastor - Again

Canada, and especially Alberta, continues to persecute Christians.  Another pastor (Tim Stephens) was arrested (for a second time), as their church meeting was discovered by a police helicopter.  They had already gotten locked out of their church (similar to GraceLife Church minus the fencing).  

Tim Stephens' children wept as they arrested their father and had him in the police vehicle.  Christians, please pray for pastors like Tim Stephens and James Coates as well as the churches in their care.  

Canada is now like a police state - arresting people for holding church, and sadly the police are not refusing to participate (as I think some police in California refused to enforce Governor Newsom's wrongful orders).  

Canadian Pastor's arrest (Rebel News article)

The government was given by God for the punishment of evildoers and to reward those who do good, so when they start persecuting those who are doing good - they are not functioning as God intended. John MacArthur gave a message last Sunday speaking on the subject.  Remember the people in the Old Testament times who would not bow to a statue, Daniel kept praying to God, the apostles in New Testament times went right back to teaching even though they were arrested for preaching the Gospel, Stephen and others were put to death, etc.  The government was not meant to punish people for doing good.

The COVID-19 illness is real, but that doesn't mean that the government then has the right to usurp Christ's role as Head of His church.  That is an abuse of their God-given authority. In California, the governor wanted to tell people not to sing.  Well, thankfully, some of the tyranny in the U.S. has eased up due to court victories, but sadly, that isn't so in Canada. 

Being persecuted for the sake of doing right brings reward and the watching world sees these Christians who are suffering well as a testimony of Christ to them.  May God use the testimony of Christians persecuted around the world, and bring people to Himself.  That is what I should remind myself of...that God's purposes in this will come about.  Getting angry or feeling anxious won't help, but I need to continue to pray.  God's Word speaks of rejoicing in persecution.  It brings about perseverance, proven character, and hope.

And not only this, but we also exult in our tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance; and perseverance, proven character; and proven character, hope; and hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us. Romans 5:3-5 NASB (1995)

Saturday, June 5, 2021

Premillennialism - Eschatology Matters

 I've been reading the chapter in Biblical Doctrine that addresses eschatology in recent times (The Future).  I'm nearly at the end of page 861 at this point.  I do recommend the book.

I've been premillennial all along, so I will state that right off.  It goes along with my straight reading of Scripture (even if there are some things about the future that I've kind of blended together and confused in my mind).  There are clearly things promised to Israel that haven't been fulfilled yet.  The gifts and calling of God are irrevocable.  The whole church is not what is being talked about in various passages (including the Old Testament).  The grafted in people do not nullify the promises to believing Jewish people (as Romans 11 lets me know).  

The final chapter in the Biblical Doctrine book (MacArthur/ Mayhue) has helpful information that can separate out things mentioned that happens in the millennial Kingdom from what comes after.  It talks about Heaven now as well as the future (even interesting facts like the martyrs are given a white robe in Revelation 6:11 which shows they have a body form of some sort).  I have a ways to go, and my mind cannot easily remember everything that I have read.  I have used pencil to highlight some of the things that have stood out to me so far.

A few years ago, I watched at least a couple of the Master's Seminary chapel messages streaming online on the subject of premillennialism (yeah, I'll admit I was watching their chapel live-streams), and I will share links for you that I can find that seem to be from that series. 

I should watch them all, including the ones I can tell that I watched before!

Premillennialism Videos

1. Brad Klassen addressed the subject using hermeneutics (the method of interpreting the text...specifically of Scripture):  TMS Chapel: Brad Klassen - January 30th, 2018

2. Premillennialism and the Old Testament (Michael Grisanti)

3. The Historical Perspective  (Nathan Busenitz)

4. Premillennialism and the New Testament (Greg Harris)

5. Premillennialism and the Kingdom (Michael Vlach)

6. Premillennialism and Theology  (James Mook)

I hope that these will be helpful for people who want to learn.  

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Shepherds' Conference News & Music for Your Day

Shepherds' Conference

The Shepherds' Conference for 2022 has been announced!

You can watch John MacArthur talk about it on a video HERE.  

The new Bible translation will be featured (The Legacy Standard Bible), so the guys can get excited about that.  I know I would like one myself.  There were a number of men disappointed about the one for this year being cancelled, so it will be great for those who are able to make it to the one in March of next year!  I hope that nothing will hinder it.

Music for Your Day

Hymns of Grace has a lyrics video out that was shared in recent times.  

Philip Webb is the male singer for this (known to some in my family as "Superman.").

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Gracious Speech

I'm not the poster person for perfect speech online or offline.
I may wish I was, but I'm not.  
I still need to be reminded about what the Bible says about speech. 
I also know that if I loved God more, trusted Him more, and had right thinking about Him, then it would change my attitude which would change the way I respond to people.

Let your speech always be with grace, seasoned, as it were, with salt, so that you may know how you should respond to each person. 
 Colossians 4:6 NASB (1977)

Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth, but only such a word as is good for edification according to the need of the moment, that it may give grace to those who hear. 
 Ephesians 4:29 NASB

Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart 
Be acceptable in Thy sight, O LORD, my rock and my Redeemer.  
Psalm 19:14 NASB

To sum up, let all be harmonious, sympathetic, brotherly, kindhearted, and humble in spirit; not returning evil for evil, or insult for insult, but giving a blessing instead; for you were called for the very purpose that you might inherit a blessing.
1 Peter 3:8-9 NASB

Words show what is in the heart.

It troubles me that I still have such negative sinful irritableness and thoughts even as a Christian whether or not I verbalize them.
It is something I desire to see change.  It isn't just what I say.  It's the heart that needs to change more.
What we are in the heart often comes out in what we say and how we act.
Anxiety, irritation, anger, impatience, rebelliousness, doubting God's goodness and care to me, and many other sinful type of things can infiltrate my mind.
I pray for God to change me.  I realize that putting things into my mind (that are Scriptural and true and good) is something God will use to combat sinful thinking.  It does, but I have so, so, so far to go in sanctification.  

For we all stumble in many ways. 
If anyone does not stumble in what he says, he is a perfect man, able to bridle the whole body as well. 
James 3:2 NASB  
(More from James 3 about the tongue with the LSB Version HERE.)

“The good man out of his good treasure brings forth what is good; and the evil man out of his evil treasure brings forth what is evil. 
“And I say to you, that every careless word that men shall speak, they shall render account for it in the day of judgment. 
“For by your words you shall be justified, and by your words you shall be condemned.”  
Matthew 12:35-37 NASB

On Swearing & Misuse & Abuse of God's Name

But above all, my brethren, do not swear, either by heaven or by earth or with any other oath; but let your yes be yes, and your no, no; so that you may not fall under judgment. 
 James 5:12 NASB

“You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain, for the LORD will not leave him unpunished who takes His name in vain. 
 Exodus 20:7 NASB

This would include the way people (even some Christians) misuse God's name by using it lightly (even using initials).  God is holy, and so His name should also be treated holy.
God knows our sinful thoughts about Him even when we don't say something out loud.

Speaking Well Even When Persecuted

Bless those who persecute you; bless and curse not.
Romans 12:14 NASB

“But I say to you, love your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you in order that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven; for He causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.
Matthew 5:44-45 NASB

Gossip & Slander is Wrong

Online, people often share things that may or may not be true.  People also can say things about others that destroy their reputation (online or offline).
It is something that we should try to be very careful about, because the Bible warns about gossip (whisperers, talebearers) and slander.

He who goes about as a slanderer reveals secrets, 
Therefore do not associate with a gossip. 
 Proverbs 20:19 NASB

Mike Riccardi did a message on the topic called "How To Kill Your Neighbor."
If you have the time, it is worth hearing.

My little children, I am writing these things to you that you may not sin. 
And if anyone sins, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous; and He Himself is the propitiation for our sins; and not for ours only, but also for those of the whole world.
1 John 2:1-2 NASB

Bonus Link:

Speech Seasoned with Salt (GTY).

(P.S.: I likely posted on this topic before, but it's good for me to review it anyway.)

Friday, April 30, 2021

My Visit to Truth Community Church


This week I got to visit Truth Community Church in the Cincinnati, Ohio area.  My family has been watching the church from a distance for a long time, and it was always my desire to be able to go there.  I'm in such sad shape a lot of the time that I didn't know if it would ever happen.  Some family were kind enough to take me on a trip so I was able to go this past Tuesday night, and I got to hear Don Green preach in person and meet him and his wife & some others (including another friend from online).  Pastor Don is a really nice and genuinely caring person.  I was so thankful that he was very kind to me and that I was able to experience what it was like to be with the people there (and see what the church looked like inside where the camera doesn't show).  I only wish I was better at conversation to have said things of more value to the people I met that night.  I appreciated people talking to me - even if I'm not/wasn't a great conversationalist.

Pastor Don was preaching on Psalm 113 about praising the Lord and about God's care.  If you are ever in that area, I recommend the church!  

I also got to go to the Ark Encounter in Kentucky & saw some of the garden at the Creation Museum.

We saw some other interesting things on the trip as well (lakes, rivers, and stores).  I was struggling with physical problems some of the time (and still am having some problems), but I made it through.

Saturday, April 24, 2021


朋友,神是圣洁的。天堂里有一位神创造了你和我,他是你我的权威。他是完全圣洁的。 "神就是光,在他毫无黑暗" ( 约壹 1: 5)。因此,如果我们想与神交通,我们必须是光明的,没 有黑暗。但问题是:我们是黑暗的。我们是有罪的。我们都违反了他的律法。我们都撒过谎,偷 过东西,我们都看见就动了淫念,我们心里都生过兄弟的气。我们都没有达到神所要求的荣耀而 完美的标准(罗 3:23)。对此我们无能为力。再多的善行,再多的忏悔,再多的的歉疚,再多的 教会出勤,再多的读经,再多的传福音也无法使我们的罪得赦免或是达到神所要求的义(多 3:5; 参赛 64:6)。 

然而神是慈爱的,他爱我们,并希望通过拯救我们来在我们,即他的受造物身上彰显他的 荣耀。于是,他差派他的儿子——道成肉身的神,主耶稣基督——作为一个无助的小婴孩降生于 世(约 1:14, 3:16; 西 2:9)。万有之主,万有的维系者,却在一个希伯来女孩的腹中被孕育。他用 大能的命令托住万有,同时却靠着母腹中的营养来维系生命(来 1:3)。这无可言喻!他极其谦卑 地生活在这个堕落的世界,随着年岁渐长,他的苦难也增多,但他本身从来没有犯过任何罪—— 完全没有(林后 5:21; 来 Heb 4:15, 7:26)。他过着完全圣洁的生活。而这样的生活,是你和我无 法在神面前活出来的——我们在思想、言语、行为上都亏缺了神的荣耀——基督从来没有这样做 过。甚至连一个这样的想法都没有。他完全地爱着神,他的父。他总是完美地行在义路上。他活 出了神所要求你活出的生活,神所要求我所活出的生活,但我们却没能活出。他活出了神有权要 求的完美生活。 

他不仅为我们而活,还为我们而死。他走上了十字架。我们的罪叫我们当死。我们的罪使 我们当承受永恒的刑罚。我们的罪当招致愤怒——就是神的愤怒永远地倾倒在我们身上(罗 6:23)。但因为基督位格的至高价值,他被钉在了十字架。在那个十字架上,神将他自己全部的 愤怒倾倒在耶稣身上(罗 3:24-26; 林后 5:21; 加 3:10-14)。这愤怒理应由我来承受,理应由你来 承受,并且如果你不转离你的罪,不信靠这位弥赛亚,你将会承受这样的愤怒。基督降生过、活 过、死了、又复活了(林前 15:3-4)。他死后从坟墓中复活,表明他战胜了罪与死亡。 

现在神承诺,如果你转离你的罪,如果你弃绝你的一切,过去的你和你所爱的,转离追求 罪恶的生活——如果你不仅弃绝你的恶行,并且弃绝你的善举, 如果你转离试图通过作为一个有 道德的人可能想做的所有善行来获得救赎——如果你转离这一切(徒 17:30-31),并且唯独相信 基督是你的义(腓 3:7-8; 参罗 3:28, 10:4),那么他会赦免你。他对待十字架上的基督,就好像基 督过了你的生活。然后,他会公正、合法并公义地对待你,就好像你活出了基督完美公义的生活 (林前 5:21)。你因此得蒙拯救,去认识那位你受造为要去爱和享受的神。在天父的右手中,你 会有满足的喜乐和永远的福乐(诗 16:11),甚至从现在就开始,因为认识神得永生(约 17:3) 

朋友,你要悔改吗?你要转离你的罪并信靠这位完全的救主已经在神面前帮助你,偿还了 你的罪价,并使你称义吗?
English Text Used by the Permission of Mike Riccardi, and it was kindly translated by a friend of an online friend.
The original English text is HERE.

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Canada Jails a Church Building & Pastors Are Detained in Finland

GraceLife Church in Canada
Many people are aware of what's been happening to GraceLife Church in Alberta, Canada, and how authorities have had fences put around the church to try to keep people out.
That will not stop the church (and has not), but it is persecution despite those who don't seem to realize it.  When Costco is full, and the churches are told they can only have 15% (ignoring Scripture), something is wrong.  This is what I might say to someone who is arguing Romans 13 means the government can endlessly shut the churches (for more than a year).
If the government told you to lie, would you do it?  
Daniel prayed openly, the apostles kept on preaching, people would not bow to Baal.

This was from last Sunday that I listened to (when it was finally uploaded):

Sadly, many want to insult churches that are meeting, and call them a cult or lawbreakers.
These people are likely some of the most law-abiding, loving toward police, respectful people you would meet. 
(When it snows in Canada, do you want them freezing outside?)
GraceLife is a church with a godly pastor who attended The Master's Seminary.
He is standing up for truth, and do you want to be known for attacking some of God's people (especially those who claim to be Christians)?

Many also are aware that John MacArthur read a letter from Pastor James Coates this past Sunday at Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, CA.

Grace Community has been experiencing it's own court battles (although yesterday I read that some restrictions on location and numbers of people are no longer being applied to churches due to a Supreme Court ruling).
They had already postponed the hearing for John / the church.

I have also been watching a guy named Devin Davis who attends GraceLife Church in Canada streaming online, and his patience, peace-making, and giving people the Gospel during these times has been admirable.
You can see God is working through him, James Coates, and others from the church during these hard times.
Devin is human (not sinless), but I really was glad to see his being such a great testimony there in Canada.  I hope he continues whenever he is able!
By the way, the person who moved the fence (or people) were not GraceLife people, but they got carried away in the moment I believe.  GraceLife was not a part of that.

Pastors Detained in Finland
Today, I watched this video about pastors who were detained in Finland.
Yes, these things are happening around the world, and people need to be made aware about it.
Please watch this and share it:

Christians, please be praying for & sharing about these situations.

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Essential Scriptures, Fighting Sin with Scripture, & James Coates Interview

Essential Scriptures

There is a book that is scheduled to come out on July 6, 2021 that I was excited to read about!  

It has the Scripture verses undergirding doctrines right in the book.  I tend not to look up a lot of the Bible references when they are simply listed in a book (so many of them), and this would have the verses right there in front of my nose (though I still will need glasses to read them well).

The Essential Scriptures: A Handbook of Key Texts for Key Doctrines by Kevin Zuber

Fighting Sin with Scripture

John MacArthur recently put out a blog post for TMU students that encourages learning Scripture to fight sin.  I have found that verses and prayer have helped me in the past in overcoming a sinful habit.  My mind may be rather foggy for learning now, but I have recently started trying again to go over some verses of Romans 5.  

Someone recently pointed out (not in the article) that if Christians are jailed (and they may not always give people Bibles), then knowing Scripture in your mind will be especially valuable. 

Fight Sin with Scripture by John MacArthur

James Coates Interview

For those who have not already seen this interview that a lady did of James Coates (and I know many of you have), I am putting it here for people to watch.  It was emotionally moving and also encouraging.

Sunday, March 28, 2021

James Coates Update & New Books of Note

 Here is a video of James Coates up front at GraceLife Church in the Edmonton area of Alberta, Canada.

It was the first Sunday after his being released from jail for holding wonderful.

Books of Note

There are a couple of new books of note that I'd like to mention this week.

One is a handbook on essential Christian doctrine.  It seems like it is somewhat of a shorter version of my Biblical Doctrine book that I am still reading.  It would be a good one for someone to give to others!

You may have heard people throw around the letters "CRT" & use the words "Social Justice" a lot lately.
What is going on, and why should you be concerned? 
Voddie Baucham is a man who grew up in the L.A. area, and he is also black.
He has written a book about the way people respond to events.
It is a book about how people see things, and how they should view things Biblically.

Monday, March 22, 2021

Pastor James Coates Freed & a Message on Gospel Courage

Pastor James Coates in Alberta, Canada has been released from jail! 

I saw a photo of him hugging his family, and I'm updating with the video!
 I have read the $1.500 fine the judge decided to tack on (instead of the $100) was considered paid by the time James spent in jail (which seems to mean that he doesn't owe any money). 
From what I have also read, I believe there will still be a trial/court date in May on a lesser charge.
This could help put more of a challenge - questioning the science behind the public health order demands which seems to make the RCMP (or whoever is making these "health" restrictions) think they can violate the Charter freedoms there in Canada. 
I am happy that James is out, and I'm especially glad that his family will have him home again (as well as the church will have their pastor back). 
It is to the shame of the government there that they overstepped their God-given authority.
The leaders in Canada, the U.S., China, and around the world need to turn to Christ instead of trying to persecute His people.
Yes, they may use other excuses, but they are wrong when they place their will over what Scripture teaches.

To Help You Understand
Nathan Busenitz at Grace Community Church in California preached a message recently that sheds light on why James would do what he did and what the apostles in the early church did when they were told not to preach. He also addressed persecution this last Sunday night.

Here is the message Nathan Busenitz preached a week ago Sunday:

Here is the next message:

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

LSB Online, State of the Church Live-Stream, & Psalm 23 Hymn

Legacy Standard Bible
They already have the New Testament, Psalms, & Proverbs available to read online!
I'm excited about this new translation in which they worked so hard to focus on accuracy and consistency rather than simply readability.
You can find it HERE.

The State of the Church Live-Stream is scheduled for Wednesday, March 3, 2021.
The speakers scheduled are John MacArthur & Steven Lawson.
The first session starts at 10 AM Pacific (1 PM Eastern & 6 PM GMT) with John MacArthur.
The second session is a Q & A with John which is at 1 PM Pacific (4 PM Eastern & 9 PM GMT).
The third session with Steve Lawson is at 3 PM Pacific (6 PM Eastern & 11 PM GMT).
The final session (fourth) is with John MacArthur at 5 PM Pacific (8 PM Eastern & 1 AM GMT).
You should be able to watch it HERE during the time scheduled.

The Lord is My Shepherd (Psalm 23)
I've heard this song in recent times, and it's worth sharing.
It's also in the Hymns of Grace hymnal!

Saturday, February 20, 2021

Stand Up for Pastor James Coates - In Jail in Canada for His Beliefs

 Pastor James Coates is a Master's Seminary graduate who was recently put into jail in Alberta, Canada for holding normal church services.  He is awaiting a trial date last I heard.

They were trying to put such restrictions on the the church that hardly anybody would have been able to go with their arbitrary rules. 15% attendance is ridiculous, and the church doesn't belong to the government.

Some are arguing that this is not persecution, but that is not true.  He is being ill treated for his beliefs which is what persecution is.  This is something that Christians can expect in this world, but we in the west have gotten used to having a lot more freedom than some other countries have.

The Bible tells us that we are to rejoice in suffering.  Yes, James is suffering for the sake of Christ really, and he like others before him has shown the courage of conviction.

So they went on their way from the presence of the Council, rejoicing that they had been considered worthy to suffer shame for His name. 
And every day, in the temple and from house to house, they kept right on teaching and preaching Jesus as the Christ.  
Acts 5:41-42 NASB

This pastor and church are holding to their convictions, and they were making it a condition that he would not preach at the church in order to be released.  He was sneakily shuffled off to jail basically shackled on his way there (not currently), and he's in isolation for awhile due to the COVID quarantine.  He has a family.  This is a real man with real convictions who is following his conscience as a Christian.  He's the real deal.

Christians, please pray for him to continue to be strong and have joy and peace, and please advocate for his freedom.  Thankfully, he does have a Bible with him.  

Here are a couple of people that someone shared that you can contact:

Mike Lake

Mark Smith

This was the e-mail I sent to one of the government officials in Canada (minus my personal information):

The Honorable Mike Lake,

I have learned that a pastor named James Coates was put in jail for holding church.
I am an American citizen, but I am very familiar with the seminary James went to as I used to attend the church that is connected with it many years ago (and some family still does). I am now in Tennessee.

The church is not a business to be treated as such. It belongs to Christ and not the government.
Does not Canada allow freedom to worship God without government restrictions?
If your hospitals are not currently overwhelmed, then that excuse is out the window.
Here in America, many of us know that COVID-19 is not an automatic death sentence.
The amount of people who die is low enough to the level that it is not at all like what was called the Spanish flu from many years ago.
In Tennessee, the churches have no enforced restrictions on them. There are only recommendations.
Our governor recognizes our 1rst amendment rights more than other governors, and the lockdowns in places like California have not made things better there than they are here.

Restrictions actually increase things like suicide, unemployment, and makes it more likely for people to have time to commit crimes or riot.

Most importantly though, GraceLife Edmonton is trying to obey God when the Bible says not to forsake the assembling of yourselves together... The people should be able to make their own decisions. I have heard that like here, these rules have not been made actual laws. So, how can you let them treat them like they are? The government is meant for the punishment of evildoers, and going to church isn't bad behavior. It seems that Christianity is being criminalized, and what they are doing to people by fining & arresting them is actually going to crowd the prisons with good godly citizens who are doing what God has called them to.

Please free James Coates and don't allow them to harass the churches or imprison people for what they believe.
They are not to be hated or feared just because they follow the Bible and aren't panicked.
Christians are some of the most law abiding citizens you will ever know, and they are showing the most love speaking truth.
You can listen to his last sermon here, and see what he has to say.


Saturday, February 13, 2021

Evangelism & Discernment - Conference Highlights

I'm back on here again to share about some some messages and music that I heard when streaming the Truth & Life Conference the other week.

The first message was by John MacArthur on evangelism and was one of the two I thought was especially good.  I wish that I had taken notes!  
Update: Watch it HERE!

Costi did the second session.  I believe that one was also on evangelism.
You can watch it HERE.

The third session was also Costi Hinn (who turned away from the lifestyle and beliefs of his uncle Benny), and he gave a good warning about false teaching (deceptions).  Getting the Gospel almost right is all wrong.
"If you want to please God, don't mess with His message." - Costi Hinn
Costi also warned about the dangers of churches using music from heretics at the conference saying, "Why borrow from Beelzebub?"

I saw one person commenting about how that message was one of the best they'd heard.
Certainly, people do need to hear messages on discernment.
Watch it HERE.

Sam Horn spoke the second day finishing off the conference.

The most memorable song (for me) that Shane & Shane led was sung as a prayer.
The only thing that I avoid when singing this song is the part they added about us crowning Jesus.
I know there are a lot of hymns that say "Crown Him," but I struggle with the concept of in what way do we as humans really crown the God of the universe?  
Well, that's me.  I'm sure people mean it in a figurative sense.  
I still liked the song.

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Forgiveness - Movie & Message

 The Man from Nowhere (2021) is a new movie that The Master's University worked on.  

I haven't watched it myself at this point, but the story is about a man with cancer writing a book for his son and about forgiveness (from the descriptions I've seen).  It could be worth watching.


I heard a message Sunday night that was convicting on the subject of forgiveness.  It was a message about Philemon, Paul, & Onesimus.  It also had some things that he said that might be controversial to people, but he is basing what he says on Scripture. Here is the link: Famous Forgiveness

I had already heard some things about accepting one another from Steve Lawson from the Romans Bible study, so these messages encouraged me to make more effort to make peace with some people on social media.

Saturday, January 9, 2021

Finding Hope for the Future in Crazy Times

This year has turned further south pretty quickly.  
America will no longer be the same country that we used to know.
I realize things had already been going downhill, but it seems like whatever God was using to slow the freefall has been removed.
It is a sad thing, and those of us who are Christians need to keep turning our eyes to the Lord.

One pastor shared from Psalm 37 during this time (which is helpful), and so I thought that my sharing some Scriptures could benefit others as well as myself.
God's purposes will stand.

Rest in the LORD and wait patiently for Him;
Do not fret because of him who prospers in his way,
Because of the man who carries out wicked schemes.
Cease from anger, and forsake wrath;
Do not fret, it leads only to evildoing.
For evildoers will be cut off,
But those who wait for the LORD, they will inherit the land.
Psalm 37:-7-9 NASB (1977)

A senseless man has no knowledge;
Nor does a stupid man understand this:
That when the wicked sprouted up like grass,
And all who did iniquity flourished,
It was only that they might be destroyed forevermore.
But Thou, O LORD, art on high forever.
For, behold, Thine enemies, O LORD,
For, behold, Thine enemies will perish;
All who do iniquity will be scattered.
Psalm 92:6-9 NASB (1977)

My soul, wait in silence for God only,
For my hope is from Him.
He only is my rock and my salvation,
My stronghold; I shall not be shaken.
On God my salvation and my glory rest;
The rock of my strength, my refuge is in God.
Trust in Him at all times, O people;
Pour out your heart before Him;
God is a refuge for us. Selah.
Psalm 62:5-8 NASB (1977)

God reigns over the nations, 
God sits on His holy throne.
Psalm 47:8 NASB (1977)

And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.
Romans 8:28 NASB (1977)

Whatever we are facing in the future, God is still with us and has good purposes for His children.
He will not desert us.  We have known much mercy during my lifetime, and now that the nation is under judgment He will still be a refuge for Christians.  He still loves us.
Though we go through the valley of the shadow of death, He will go before us.  
He will comfort us, and He will lead us safely Home!