Monday, May 30, 2022

Anxiety Addressed Biblically & Christian Movie Recommendation

Anxiety Addressed Biblically

There is a teaching video I watched recently which gave some Biblical ways to address anxiety.  With all of the seeming chaos going on in the world, it is so easy to wallow in anxiety instead of focusing on God and His Word and trusting in His sovereignty. Another thing to remember is that the second death is something the Christian doesn't have to face, as Christ faced the worst on our behalf.   We don't control what goes on in this world in the way that we may think we do.  I think I too often am like the disciples in the boat thinking I'm about to drown with Jesus right there instead of like Polycarp who had courage to say that the fire would last no longer than an hour...less than the eternal fire the person having him executed would face from God.

Safe in the Storm: Biblical Strategies for Overcoming Anxiety (Phil Moser)

Christian Movie Recommendation: Play the Flute

Our family recently rewatched a movie that I got for one of them in the past.  It is about a guy who is planning to be a pastor, but he decides to lead a youth group first.  Yeah, I know, some of you may be against youth groups, but his focus was Scripture and even memorization of Scripture.  He faced a lot of challenges with seemingly only one Christian in the group.  If you are interested to watch it, it is called Play the Flute.

Play The Flute - Trailer from Play the Flute movie on Vimeo.