Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Bible Basics, Truth Moment, & Music for Your Day

Bible Basics
The Scriptures are to be trusted as God's Word.  Grace Community Church had a Sunday night series on "The Wonder of the Word" not long ago.  They highlighted the inspiration, preservation, sufficiency, canonicity, and the clarity of Scripture.
You can check it out HERE.

Truth Moment
There is a newer set of videos called "A Moment of Truth" featuring short clips from Pastor Don Green of Truth Community Church in the Cincinatti area.
I watched the video clip I'm sharing today and listened to another portion of his "Trusting God in Trying Times" audio series today.  I had heard and shared the series in the past, but I need to be reminded of these things.
I need to rehearse truth about God and often feel like a flop being majorly stressed out with things that are going on for us (on top of other things).
God's purposes are good and right, and He is faithful still.  He will help us through what He has for us even if we can't see how and are weak physically and in faith.  He won't leave us or forsake us.
Christians, please continue to pray for us.
I'm also excited for others that a book on Trusting God in Trying Times is scheduled to come out at some point as well.  

Music for Your Day (The Itzels):