Sunday, January 15, 2023

The "My Truth" Fallacy

I've been quiet on here awhile again.
I often think I don't have much to say, but I do want to encourage people somehow today.

The world seems to be going downhill fast in many ways, and people are becoming more aware of all of the lies and corruption they have been fed.

The encouragement is this.  God and His Word (the 66 books of the Bible) do not change.  
The Triune God is unchanging.  His words are true (Psalm 119:160).
The truth of God is objective.  It doesn't change with the times.
Your feelings can and do change...sometimes daily.
Often what people call "my truth" is just a statement of their feelings.  
Feelings are not truth.  They often lie to us.  They send us into depression or unreality.
They will not satisfy us.
Reality is not based on what you feel or what you want.  
You cannot be whatever you feel like.
God created you, and whatever you do to paste on another identity...your facade does no good before Him.

So, the Bible may hurt feelings, but the Spirit saves eternal souls and transforms lives through God's Word.  The Word of God pierces through, and all of our thoughts and motives are visible to God (based on Hebrews 4:12-13).

Absolute truth cannot be found apart from God and His Word.
What is right and what is wrong are based on the character of God and that is revealed in the Scriptures.
Have you read the Bible through?

Jesus is the truth.  (See John 14:6 for full verse.)

For the Christian, we can be encouraged knowing that God is true/truth, and His words are true, and we know that His death for our many sins was enough.  His righteousness imputed.  His resurrection.  We can trust Him that He will sanctify us, provide our needs, and that He will bring about His good purposes through our many trials (and those trials are there to bring about perseverance, proven character, and hope...See Romans 5).  We can trust Him that we will be resurrected and glorified.  We can trust that He really is faithful, and His lovingkindness is everlasting.  We can know that His future Kingdom will come, and that there will be an eternity with Him for those who are His.  
We can trust that He is just and that evil will not be unpunished.

We need to look to the Word of God, listen to preaching, and examine everything from the lens of Scripture (as there is a lot of heresy and false teaching out there).
God will never leave the believer even when homebound, disabled, or in distress.
I hope this will encourage you, because in composing this I am encouraging myself by reminding myself of what the Bible says.
As my mind is a fog so often, I don't know how clear this will be to anyone else.

Without Christ, there is no truth.
But God is real, and He is absolutely true and trustworthy, and so is His Gospel.
So, please read His Word, and let me know if you would like me to pray for you.
Read the Legacy Standard Bible.  Here is the book of John.