Thursday, February 16, 2023

Looking to the Lord & His Word in Crazy Times

Trusting in the Lord in these times is the anchor I have to know that despite all of the evil in this nation and world, and despite of the threats to our health and lives (chemicals, illnesses, weapons of war) I know that God's good purposes won't be thwarted.

My health already isn't good, but God has continued to care for us one way or another. He will help us through each trial until we are safely Home with Him. Without this knowledge, I would have no hope to cling to. Hoping in deliverance by man or man's weaponry is useless. In the Bible, it is made clear that people must turn to the Lord. It is not always His will to deliver us out of trials, but we must learn to look to Him in our trials here on earth.

When anxious thoughts come, I can go back to what I know and have learned from Scriptures and from others who teach the Scripture. 
Even if my brain stops functioning well enough to do much of anything one day, He will still care for me.
It isn't based on my worthiness, because I'm not.
My hope is in Christ and His righteousness and mercy and love and faithfulness.
When I doubt His kindness, when I fail in my sinfulness, He brings me back to looking to Him.

After someone at a store was telling about a supposed vision she had, a part of a song came to my mind.  I trust in the already finished canon of Scripture.  It is complete. 
I don't need anything else to verify what is in it apart from what God has already given.
Nothing new is needed to trust in Christ.  (She doesn't realize we are cessationists.)

My heart is leaning on the Word,
The written Word of God,
Salvation by my Savior’s name,
Salvation through His blood.

I need no other argument,
I need no other plea,
it is enough that Jesus died,
and that he died for me.

        (Author: E. E. Hewitt - Public Domain)