Friday, February 12, 2016

Three Exciting Upcoming Events

Next month there are two conferences coming up for those who are able to attend, and then one more conference is slated for August of this year.

Shepherds Conference - March 9-13, 2016:
The first of these conferences is for pastors, but they often stream parts of it online with more available later.
Some of you reading this may actually already be planning to go!
It is hosted by Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, CA.
This year John MacArthur, Albert Mohler, Ligon Duncan, Paul Washer, Nathan Busenitz, Steve Lawson, Phil Johnson, & Tom Pennington are listed as speakers.
There are additional speakers for the seminar sessions, etc.

The Herald Society  - March 17-19, 2016:
The second conference is in Florida, and it's focus will be on reformational street preaching,
It was scheduled for last year, but it ended up being postponed.
It is hosted by Jeremiah Cry Ministries, and the church should be interested in participating in this.
Not everybody is qualified to street preach, but the church needs to support and be involved.

Biblical Church Evangelism Conference - August 8-14, 2016:
This is another conference where there will also be actual evangelism as well as teaching.
It is hosted by Pastor Chuck O'Neal and Beaverton Grace Bible Church in Oregon.
I was able to watch some of the live-streaming of it (especially last year), and I trust that it would be good for all able-bodied Christians (who can understand English) to go to this if possible.
The schedule has not been fully set up, but the dates have been scheduled.

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