Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Responding to Reasons Not to Believe in God

I was reading some arguments tonight which gave a list of reasons not to believe in God.
The usual first reason was the supposed "no evidence" nonsense, and the second reason claims that it is illogical (to believe in His existence).

Here is some of my response:
God in His wisdom made the message of the cross appear as foolish to those who are not saved.
His eternal attributes, eternal power, and Divine nature have been clearly seen through what has been made, but people are truth suppressors due to unrighteousness. 
God has also revealed Himself through Scripture. 

Another of their reasons not to believe that was given was about suffering in this world (even for those who worship Him).

Here is my response to that:
Suffering has a purpose in God's world. He uses it for His purposes. 
He is not the chargeable cause of evil, but He does use it for good. 
God sees the long view that finite puny humans cannot in this sinful fallen depraved world. 

In response to the argument that laws in the Bible were wicked:
God is perfectly good (and we are not), and He is fully just. 
Judging God's law by the standard of our human opinion is like a child who wants to stick a fork in the light socket not realizing the wisdom of his parents telling him not to.

Responding to the idea that life is better without God & religion:
A life without God is slavery, and nobody living for themselves (which really isn't without Him since He's still there) will escape sickness and death and the consequences of sinful behavior which includes eternal punishment in Hell.
A religion of depending on works is useless, because the only way to be reconciled to a perfectly good and just God is to be perfectly righteous. 
None of us fill that bill, so we need the righteousness of another. 
God in love sent His Son, fully God & fully man born of a virgin to live a sinless life in our place, and willingly He died on a cross taking the wrath for the sins of everyone who would ever believe. He rose from the dead, so that those who turn from sin and trust in Him will have eternal life and will not come into condemnation.

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