Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Shepherds' Conference 2020 Wrap-Up & Coronavirus Map

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Map
I've been reading some about COVID-19 recently (symptoms, who is most likely to die from it, looking at maps of those infected, etc.).
People can have a (dry) cough, fever, and shortness of breath.
It is a different strain than other coronaviruses, so it is relatively new to the medical world.
Here was an earlier article on the demographics of it:
Who is getting sick? ....

There have been no cases (so far) of COVID-19 reported too close to where I live (though there are 4 elsewhere in the state).
UPDATE: There is 1 confirmed case in the broader region of where I live...
7 total cases in the state now.  That will probably increase, but I won't be updating every time!
Some people have gone overboard about it when they may be less at risk, and some people are too dismissive in my opinon.
Our household is one of those who does have people at higher risk for complications with illness, so I can't be too dismissive.
A few years ago I think it was, we weren't sure one of my parents was going to make it with flu complications affecting the person in very serious ways.

As Christians, we know God is sovereign, so even our best efforts are not the ultimate determining factor in what happens to us.

The following map shows current cases of the coronavirus, recoveries, and death statistics.

Shepherds' Conference Wrap-Up
The Master's Seminary shared the main session notes for the 2020 Shepherds' Conference on their website.  So, if you want to check those out, you can find them HERE.

If you want to watch the videos while they are on Facebook, you can find them HERE.

They should have the audio and video uploaded at some point on their official site (for 2020), so keep checking HERE for that.

I enjoyed live-streaming the conference, and I especially liked the photos that were shared by the people who kindly participated in my game of giving points to people who met each other there!
The conference music was beautiful, and the teaching was excellent!

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