Thursday, June 25, 2020

Thoughts on the Destruction of Statues

Those who destroy statues of sinners forget that they are sinners themselves.
Destroying the statues won't change history or hurt the people depicted.
Those people are either going to be judged by God, or they are forgiven sinners who are with the Lord (if they were believers).

The hate inside those who destroy (or those who want to overthrow the country due to the imperfect history it has) will more likely destroy the destructive angry people themselves.
It won't change their own prejudices or the prejudices of others.
Only God can tranform hearts and behavior and prejudices.

I believe some would be surprised to know that there will be people in Heaven who were sinners just like some of those depicted by the statues.  
There will be those who had slaves or supported it like Philemon, Jonathan Edwards, and George Whitefield, etc.
There will be those who had multiple wives like David and Jacob/Israel, etc.. 
I'm not excusing sinful behaviors or practices, but it is a good reminder to think about that those things were in those God used greatly when they were on earth. 

In this day of canceling and writing people off quickly, we should be thankful that God doesn't treat His children that way when we sin in thought, action, word, or deed.
He even shows mercy and love to enemies by providing the sun and rain and food while they are on earth.
He is much more patient with us than we are with others.

The statues mean little and should not be worshipped, but they are a reminder of history ...both good and bad.
Not only is it wrong to destroy what doesn't belong to you, it also ignores that even out of the mixture of good and bad in history there are traces of God's handiwork to be found.

You can petition for things like statues to be moved to museums if you want.  
That doesn't bother me.
You will never be able to create a perfect country untainted by sin by destroying historical pieces or making demands to defund the police or completely change the government or justice system.

The Christian realizes that Christ will return, and His Kingdom will be better than anything previously known since the fall of man.
Anything that people come up with today will fail either immediately or eventually.
It will be tainted by sin.
The reason why is that sin infiltrates even the best of governments.
Even if the United (or not so United) States is allowed to destroy itself as a judgment of God, I know that my hope is in the Lord.

It is better to take refuge in the LORD Than to trust in man.
Psalm 118:8 NASB


  1. People dont realize that in the great experiment called the United States of America, Christian, biblical principles, even wielded by unregenerate men, resulted in the greatest opportunity for decent interaction between people and improving circumstances that the world has ever seen, with the abolition of slavery and increasingy equal treatment as fruits of that expirement. A sense of justice and decency drove these forward. Today's movement is driven by contempt for the God of scripture, by envy, jealousy, hatred, vengeance, fear, lies, frenzied emotions detached from fact. Truth Matters.
