Monday, February 1, 2016

The World-Tilting Gospel - A Quick Book Review

I was reading parts of a book called The World-Tilting Gospel by Dan Phillips last week...skipping ahead a long ways to check more of it out after reading chapter 1 and starting Chapter 2.
I really wanted to see what it was like, as I was hoping to give it away.
The author is someone I follow on Twitter.

Sometimes I follow people, and then I forget who they are and why I followed them.
Probably that's because a lot of people I follow back after they've followed me first, but that isn't always the case.
I saw that the author, Dan Phillips, was asking what to write next...a workbook for the book I've mentioned here or a systematic Theology book or something.   I wasn't familiar with his books at all to begin with, so I had no clue how to vote.

Well, I looked up The World-Tilting Gospel and saw who wrote reviews on the book (MacArthur, Phil Johnson,, etc)., and I found out the author has written for Pyromaniacs.  Oh!  So, that's why I'm following him...maybe?

Well, it is a book that kept me reading quite a bit of pages at a time.  That is not extremely common for me unless it's fiction.  I don't even read fiction nearly as much as I used to.

I didn't read the whole book, but I did read some chunks of it that were helpful to differentiate good and bad approaches on how we view our relationship with Christ, sin, grace, obedience, and the Spirit's work.

If you like to read non-fiction besides the Bible and blog articles, I recommend it.
Let me know what you think!

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