Friday, August 26, 2011

Courageous Movie Premier Tonight & One-Eighty About Holocaust & Abortion

I have two exciting things to share with you today. The first thing (and some of you know about this already) is a link that will show live from the premier of the movie Courageous (not showing the whole movie...just what is going on outside of the showing probably). They may show a clip of the movie along with that though. I can't promise that it will be good as far as modesty goes, so I'm sorry if it turns out to be a problem that way.
It starts at 6 PM Eastern time in the U.S. and 3 PM Pacific. That will be 11 PM in the U.K. and midnight in Central Europe.
Update: To See The Red Carpet Interviews From This Screening Go To:
The other exciting announcement that I heard this week is that the DVD of One-Eighty (not sure how they will spell that) that the people at Living Waters put together will be available September 26, 2011 (Lord-willing). I had shared a small clip from it some time back. It is available for preorder now. It is about the holocaust and abortion, and it has already had a big impact on the people who have been able to view it early. Some people have changed their minds about abortion when they hear what is shared on this. There is a minimum order of 10, and they are offering them at $1 (Update 2012: as of now $1.50 each if you get 10) each. I believe the phone number is 1-800-437-1893
You can now watch "180" Movie right here:

UPDATE:  You can also watch 180 at or on another of my blog posts at:

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