Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Random Eclectic Edifying Christian Music

I grew up listening to a lot of music.
A lot of it had the Christian label, and some of the best lyrics came from Steve Camp.
I saw him in concert maybe three or four times, and went up to meet him once at Grace Community Church when he was there.
While at this point I don't believe he is Biblically qualified as a pastor (though I don't blame him for what was not his fault...and realize others don't share my understanding),
I really love a lot of his lyrics from the past.
He is surely a brother in Christ from all I've heard and read, and this is nostalgic for me.
I hope you enjoy it.  If you don't, try the songs below.

I really enjoyed this bit of music.
If you need some soothing, this will help...unless you hate the saxophone!

The lyrics on this song made it worth sharing, though the ending was not my taste in music.
The first verses I can identify with.  I often feel my faith is weak.

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