Thursday, February 4, 2016

The Master's College: BA Online, Biblical Equipping, & A Response To "The Lord Told Me..."

The Master's College is now going to allow people to get a B.A. in Biblical Studies online!

Online B.A. in Biblical Studies
BIG news from Dr. John MacArthur: It is now possible to receive a fully accredited Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies from The Master's College online! #onlineeducation #TMCOnline
Posted by The Master's College on Thursday, February 4, 2016

Biblical Equipping Collection 
The Master's College also has what is likely to be a good resource (link above) for educating the church, pastors, and missionaries. 

Response to people saying "The Lord told me..."
Some people say something like this not meaning they believe God literally told them, but I hope the linked article will encourage people to stop using God's name to inflate their own credibility.  
God does direct events, but when someone is not hearing God literally speak...they should NOT say that He did.  God tells us things through His Word found in Scripture, and that should be enough - until Christ returns or takes believers Home.

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