Sunday, December 20, 2020

The Bible is Better Than CRT

The Bible is so much better than Critical Race Theory.
No church cooperative needs that ungodly prejudiced worldview for an analytical tool (SBC).

All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work.
2 Timothy 3:16-17 NASB

You don't need bad theories that cause division when you have the sufficient Scriptures!

Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God.
1 John 4:7 NASB

My brethren, do not hold your faith in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ with an attitude of personal favoritism.
James 2:1 NASB
Favoritism is denounced in Scripture.

For all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ.
There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
Galatians 3:27-28 NASB
Christians are unified in Christ.

and He made from one, every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined their appointed times, and the boundaries of their habitation, Acts 17:26 NASB 

Since we all came from Adam, we are all related to each other.  
White people are no more guilty than people of other shades of skin. 
There are sinners of every color and culture, and there are sinners in all human governments (so there can be no utopia).  Only when the Lord Himself comes to reign will anyone see a perfect government.
Everyone is born a sinner and in need of the Savior.  The station in life any of us was born into, or attained, or was reduced down to isn't as important as our relationship to Christ.
You can't stereotype all people of one color as being rich or poor or "privileged" in the U.S. simply by looking at their skin or ancestry.  Jealousy and bitterness are sinful attitudes. Greed is as well.
Christians should never hate people or seek revenge. Joseph in the Bible ended up helping his relatives who sold him into slavery (though they may have had a hard time believing he forgave them).
Christians today should understand how much God loved us - that when we were yet enemies Christ died for us.  Do we love our enemies, forgive them, and pray for them?   
That is the Biblical example rather than looking back at what our ancestors might have done to each other and trying to retroactively reverse roles.  Who knows what evils all of our ancestors have done?
Ezekiel 18 shows us people are responsible for their own sins.  If a son doesn't do what his father did, then you don't sit there demanding an apology or money from someone not guilty..  
All people are born guilty in the headship of Adam, and people of every ethnicity need the second Adam...that is Christ .... to save us from our own sins and to be placed under His headship.

This time of year many of us remember Jesus coming to earth with love and great humility.
Though He was still God in essence, He humbled Himself taking the form of a slave.  He added on humanity which was a huge sacrifice. 
He became obedient unto death - even death on a cross for rotten sinners like you and me who deserved eternal judgment in Hell.
Do we have anywhere near that kind of love and humility?  No, we do not.

And so, as those who have been chosen of God, holy and beloved, put on a heart of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience; bearing with one another, and forgiving each other, whoever has a complaint against anyone; just as the Lord forgave you, so also should you.
And beyond all these things put on love, which is the perfect bond of unity.
Colossians 3:12-14 NASB

If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit.
Let us not become boastful, challenging one another, envying one another.
Galatians 5:25-26 NASB

Love is patient, love is kind, and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant, does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong suffered, does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
1 Corinthians 13:4-7 NASB

Monday, December 14, 2020

Hope & Encouragement in a Crazy World

I've been pretty quiet on here lately.

What with the shenanigans going on with the election and other distractions and stresses, I haven't really felt like I've had much to say that you would want to read.  The country I grew up in seems to be hurtling downward with little to stop it.

The hope we as Christians have in this world is in the Lord no matter what circumstances God has us in.  He is my hope.  He is trustworthy.

Those who are not Christians need to hear of  the hope we have in the Christ who was not just born of a virgin, laid in a manger, and proclaimed by angels.  He also lived a sinless life and died taking the punishment for sinful people who trust in Him. He also rose from the dead.  He is God the Son who made the world and is still superintending what is going on today not only in this country, the world, the universe, but in what is happening in my life and yours.

We desire peace and mercy for the country in which we live, but there are times when evil rises up and the people groan and suffer.  God has His purposes even in that for the good of His conform us to be more like Christ and to make us long for Heaven.  We have been so easily lulled in a life that has had so much freedom.

One thing that I want to encourage other believers to do this week is to think of some way that we can encourage someone else (or even more than one person).  One way to get our minds off of ourselves is to remember to love and pray for someone else...especially other Christians who also need encouragement.

Is there someone you can show love to in some way this week?

Many people are distressed or sick or discouraged right now.  

It is good to remind ourselves of the eternal perspective and hope in the Lord that we should have, and then to encourage others with it.  That is what I need to do.

My soul, wait in silence for God only,
For my hope is from Him.

He only is my rock and my salvation,
My stronghold; I shall not be shaken.

On God my salvation and my glory rest;
The rock of my strength, my refuge is in God.

Psalm 62:5-7 NASB (1977)

God is our refuge and strength, 
A very present help in trouble.

Psalm 46:1 NASB (1977)

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Fighting Sin with Thanksgiving

 It's the week that people celebrate Thanksgiving Day here in America.

Why did the people on the Mayflower come here?

"Having undertaken, for the glory of God, and advancement of the Christian faith...." 

(This is from the Mayflower Compact.)

People can try to revise history, but those motives are not to be sat in judgment upon.

Are We Grumblers? 

Compare today's trouble with the eternal weight of glory.

In these uncertain times for the immediate future, we as Christians should be a good testimony to the world by not being grumblers and being content remembering what Christ has done for us as believers and comparing the troubles of this life to the glories of eternity.  

I heard a message by Don Green about this.  You can hear it HERE.

A Glorious Future

Everything done in the name of the Lord is not in vain.

I don't know what the future will be in America, but we know there will ultimately be a great future for those in Christ.  Jesus is coming back!  Steve Lawson gave a message Sunday night that was encouraging to Christians, and we can all use encouragement!  

You can find it HERE.

Combatting Anxiety 

Those of us who tend to still feel anxious need constant reminders of how to battle our sinful tendencies.  I read this blog post recently that ties thanksgiving with battling anxiety.

You can read it HERE.

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Waiting for Election Results, Hymns of Grace Sale, & a Thanksgiving Hymn

Still Waiting for Election Results

While the mainstream media has projected a winner for the Presidential election in the U.S., I have not seen that the final vote count is in.  Not all media sites have called it. The courts may have to make decisions as there are court cases pending last I checked.  Social media flags factual videos, and so we will have to wait to see what the final results of all of these things are.  I still remember the hanging chads in Florida in an election many years ago now.  Sadly, people today seem to want to be hasty to declare victory before they really should.

Hymns of Grace is having a Black Friday sale!   

I have some of my favorite hymn numbers listed in the back of my Hymns of Grace book. It's a good place to go to find songs to sing that have worthwhile lyrics for encouragement and also dealing with specific topics. 

If you are interested in good hymn book, you can check them out HERE.

A Hymn of Thanksgiving

I saw someone sharing a different video by these people, and I searched their channel and found the following song.  I enjoy discovering new things to share with those who look at my blog, and it is good to remember to be thankful!

Monday, November 2, 2020

2020 Presidential Election: Vote Wisely & Pray

We will likely know soon enough what the results of the U.S. Presidential election are.
One road would be harder than the other, but whatever path the Christian finds himself or herself on is the one that God will lead and help us on.
People should vote wisely for the candidate who will aid in the most freedom for Christians & churches and support the lives of babies in the womb more than the other.
Socialism is not a good thing for any nation.  
It only ever makes things miserable and difficult for many people.  
Our nation doesn't deserve mercy, and people desperately need to turn to the God of the Bible in repentance and faith in Jesus.  
That is true even if the election goes the way that I want it to go.

This year has been rough for many, but God has provided the needs for our family, and He will continue to keep His promises despite my weakness, our physical trials, and my fearful heart.

So, I want to encourage Christians everywhere to pray for America.
I know this election may have consequences for many countries as well as our own.
Still, we know the Lord reigns supreme.
He sets up rulers and takes rulers down. 
He will one day rule on earth.
He is the Judge who will sentence the Devil & his angels and all those who did not believe to an eternity in Hell.
Those who are His sheep will serve Him and be with Him for eternity never to suffer again.

The LORD sat as King at the flood;
Yes, the LORD sits as King forever.
Psalm 29:10 NASB

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Praying for Enemies

 I was thinking tonight about how it seems that those of us who are active on social media and those who follow the news seem to gravitate toward hearing and reading things that are outrageous.

Granted, this world seems to not always realize when things going on are outrageous.  The crazy things seem to be quite common, accepted, and even praised by many.

We should find evil offensive, and we should see heresy and false doctrine for what it is.  

The problem is that it is so easy to start seeing the craziness as entertaining or horrifying like watching a bad car wreck without any care about the eternal souls of those involved.

I'm not here to attack my friends or be scolding.  I'm sure I'm no better than others.

I did think that it would be a good idea to think a moment on the fact that the people involved have eternal souls.  They may seem to espouse evil or seemingly insane ideas, but nonetheless they need to be prayed for.  They need the Gospel, and even if they aren't on your contact list or able to be directly contacted...perhaps you (or even just I myself) should remember to pray more often for the people whose names stand out to me.

Christ loved and died for enemies like we once were.  Do I love enemies enough to pray for them?  Sometimes.  Do I pity them, or do I just write them off like they don't matter?  

It's something to think about.

Friday, October 9, 2020

A Pastoral Perspective on Suicide & a Testimony of Christian Persecution

Suicide - A Pastoral Perspective

Don Green addressed suicide in a recent message. 
If you've known someone who has taken his or her own life or are thinking it might be a way out of your trials as a Christian...please listen to the message HERE.
(One disclaimer...I wouldn't categorize people as being animals as it sounded like was being said at one point, but he did make it clear people were different.)

When Faced with Death Through Persecution

I have read online how some Christians in China are being watched and imprisoned in recent times.
Many years ago I used to listen to people in the U.S. Congress speaking of the persecution and slave labor in China, and it led me to care about what was going much so that I included related crafts for a Sunday School class of children that I helped with.
They were crafts that encouraged kids to pray for the persecuted there besides the unreached in other places (which my Dad did radio spots about).
Some people don't realize how bad a communistic government can be.
We get concerned in the U.S. about people trying to push socialism, anarchy, anti-God immorality, etc., It is eye opening to hear testimonies of others who have faced evil and worse suffering as believers in Christ.  
We have the testimonies of those who suffered in Biblical times in Scripture (best on it).
Then people can read Foxe's Book of Martyrs.
Then we can listen to people from more recent times up to this very year that we are living in.

It is an encouragement to know that God will bring about justice for those who suffered and who were martyred for the sake of Christ.
God can bring about good for true Christians even out of terrible evil. 
We know that, but it worthwhile for us to listen to the testimonies of Christians who have gone through what we may one day face.
Will we have the courage to stand for our faith when faced with beatings that could end in physical death?
Will we flee like the disciples did the first time when they arrested Jesus?
Will we deny our Lord like Peter?
Will we trust God no matter the consequences?
I am not a courageous person, but let us pray for each other in times of testing as Christians.

Please listen to this testimony.
I don't see this guy (Daniel Wong) listed on the current faculty at the school, but he was listed there in the past at least.

Monday, September 14, 2020

Government Demands or God's Commands - Whose Authority Rules the Church?

The message that John MacArthur gave on Sunday was dynamite.

One person on social media said this:
 The list of things churches in California are being expected to do is something that is way overboard!
John MacArthur listed some of the regulations on Sunday.


There are other churches out there doing basically the same thing as Grace Community Church (and I won't mention names to draw untoward attention by any government officials).
Sadly, you don't see many well-known evangelical leaders around the country speaking out in support of Grace Community Church or the other churches for that matter.

Those who understand that this situation is about more than an illness at this point will understand the dangers of governments creeping their tentacles into churches to try to control what they do or basically trying shut them down (and this isn't about building safety codes).
Liberal government authorities would love to control the church and ignore that Christ is its Head.

Don Green of Truth Community Church in Ohio did a Q & A last week where he was supportive of Grace. 
I'm very thankful for pastors like him.
TCC Q & A with Don Green

The world is a mess.
The U.S. is a mess right now, and we need Christian leaders and churches to stand up.   
It doesn't mean that people don't use the common sense God gave them when the situation calls for it (like when you have autoimmune issues and other health problems), but it does mean that people need to seek the Lord and pray and turn to Him rather than to trust in governments and our own strength (with virtually impossible regulations).
Shuttering or smothering large churches long term is not the answer.
People in Old Testament times were shown time and time again not to trust in their own strength, and when they did things went very badly for them.

It is better to take refuge in the LORD Than to trust in man.
Psalm 118:8 NASB

Sunday, August 30, 2020

Adoption Finalized, Sudden Sorrow, & Prayer Requests

I haven't shared anything on here for awhile, but I am still alive!

I was happy to see that the adoption story that I've been following finally is complete. It was wonderful that they didn't have to wait until next year after all!

I heard a sobering yet encouraging message by Don Green this Sunday that is something that I believe could be both sobering and encouraging for many people. 
I plan to put the link with the title on here when/if they get it online (see update).
I remember how the Trusting God in Trying Times series made a difference to some people who listened, and I think that this one was good too.

Even when the hurricane of sudden trials comes upon you, there is still hope, though it has been obscured by the present trial.The sun may behind a cloud, but it is still there.
Earthly darkness cannot quench the Heavenly light which is in Christ.
(This was from listening to Don Green..not perfectly the way he said it.) 
Update: All You Need & So Much More 8/30/2020 message by Don Green.

Prayer Requests:
A family member is scheduled for a serious surgery this week which means it would involve a few days in the hospital if all goes well.
I would appreciate Christians praying for us.

Please also continue to pray for Grace Community Church and other churches like them who are facing difficulty from health and state leaders.  
Grace's next scheduled court date hearing is September 4th.

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

He Must Win the Battle

I finished another chapter in the Biblical Doctrine book recently, and I have 3 more chapters to go in the Ephesians commentary (by John MacArthur). 
It's been taking me years to go through these things.
Those who zipped right through, please don't laugh.
It always feels nice to finish a chapter! 
I got the commentary way back when they were having a good sale, and the other book was a gift. 

It's funny how some of the books and messages that I hear end up overlapping each other in what they talk about despite the fact that I'm crawling through the books.
The new chapter I'm reading in Biblical Doctrine (MacArthur/Mayhue) is speaking of angels (holy and not).
The chapter in the commentary that I finished today spoke of demons and the spiritual battle (and it's not about methods to try to get rid of demons), and Don Green (of Truth Community Church in the Cincinnati, OH area) has been teaching recently on the armor of God, etc. ...well from the same book of the Bible (Ephesians). 


And then with what is going on in this nation & even affecting churches, it is a reminder of the spiritual battle that is still going on. 
It's not just about political battles or earthly fighting or about COVID-19.
Satan wants to harm the church and do damage.

I've also been reminded more than once from a few sources about getting into the Word.
We need to not just be snorkeling through it, but we need to dive deep (yeah, I've been listening to Steve Lawson a little too).
The Word sanctifies believers, and it's the Sword.
I know I don't spend enough time in it.
How about you?

Prayer is also important.  God is the one who will win the battle.  
We can't fight in our own strength.

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Support John MacArthur

This is the first amendment to the Constitution:

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

My last blog post addressed how American churches are losing some of their freedom.
Since then, I have learned John MacArthur has been threatened with arrest and $1,000 a day fines against Grace Community Church and John MacArthur himself.
The Church and John are now being represented by a couple of well-trained and experienced lawyers.
The illness is serious, but I believe that Gavin Newsom has abused his authority.
Will the courts uphold the Constitution this time?
That remains to be seen.

See Articles:

John MacArthur has not pushed anyone fearful of the disease to come.  He realizes there are vulnerable and ill people, even though last I heard there had not been a known recent problem with people of the church.

An Important Update from Our Pastor from Grace Community Church on Vimeo.

Last Sunday, John gave a clear Gospel church message, and I hope that people will spread that message:
The Truth About Death, Part 1 (Lessons About Death From Jesus).

Sadly, some "Christians" today would rather support protesters and the admittedly Marxist Black Lives Matter group (who are not standing for what those people think they are standing for).

There are some that are hesitant to stand behind a man (John MacArthur) who is standing up for Scripture's structure of church leadership and practice. 
John has been one to not get into the civil disobedience thing, so when you see him standing up you know it's a matter of conscience based on what he sees in Scripture.

For those who think that their statement was meant to make other elders make the same decision to
allow people to come to church, please read the Responses to Common Questions by Phil Johnson (and Friends). This isn't about a lack of care for anyone's health. 

Some of the state governments are overreaching their Constitutional authority even into telling churches whether they can sing or not.  If people start to get sick, the churches are capable of making decisions.  We can try (and believe me I try) to avoid illness, but one or two times going out even cautiously can get you sick. 
If physical food and healthcare are essential, true churches that teach Scripture are even more important.
In communist and Islamic countries, they try to shut down Christians and the church.
God's truth will march on, but those who try to stop it (governors, mayors, rioters who burn Bibles, or whatever) will in the end lose their futile efforts.
They need to repent and trust Christ, or they will face Him as their Judge in eternity.
I suspect that some governors are on a power trip as well as some are just afraid.

Please, Christians, support John MacArthur and pray for him.  He is not a young man.
He and the elders of Grace are standing no matter the cost much like those we defend in communist countries where they take down crosses and break up churches.
When you see a sports player stand up for the U.S. national anthem, remember that John is standing up for the church being able to follow the Biblical model. 
On another level, he is standing up for what the Constitution says - whether the U.S. Supreme Court will stand up for it or not.
Would you even support him on that level?
There is no need for people to snipe at him with public comments and blog posts just because their church hasn't done the same.
He needs his "friends" to stand alongside him.

Will you let John know that you are praying for him? 
Isn't that the very least Christians can do?

Saturday, July 25, 2020

Freedom Lost & Freedom Gained

Freedom for churches is no longer guaranteed in the U.S.A.
I have read that the Supreme Court ruled against the appeal of a church in Nevada of attendance restrictions that made the allowance of only 50 people in a church regardless of the building size, yet they let casinos have 50% of their capacity.

In California, the governor (Gavin Newsome) has made some restrictions against churches meeting (especially indoors) as indefinite, yet they have allowed massive protests. 
They also have forbidden churches singing indoors.
Some churches are going outside.
John MacArthur and the elders of Grace Community Church at first went along with not meeting for a time due to the civil governments and churches being responsible about health (like Romans 13 and 1 Peter 2), but things have changed.
If you want to read their statement, you can see it HERE.

Here in Tennessee there is more freedom for churches, but there is no guarantee that it will last in this quickly changing nation and world.

This world is not the final home of the Christian.
Our true freedom is found in Christ no matter what happens to us down here.
If we lose our freedom here on earth, we must turn all the more to Christ for our hope and His eternal promises.
People need the Gospel in whatever ways we can get it out, and believers can pray for wisdom and courage for other believers who are making difficult decisions.
Whether or not we are completely certain about all of the decisions, people's consciences toward God to rule their lives (when it's basis is Scriptural) is something that should be considered.
There is a spiritual battle going on rather than solely a physical or political one.
It should not be a matter of a desire for being rebellious or worry about what others call caving in.  
It's a matter of conscience toward God.
People have to look at Romans 13 and 1 Peter 2 as well as Acts 5:29 and Ephesians 5, etc.

We should care for and pray for brothers and sisters in Christ in these times.

Therefore Jesus also, that He might sanctify the people through His own blood, suffered outside the gate. 
So, let us go out to Him outside the camp, bearing His reproach. 
For here we do not have a lasting city, but we are seeking the city which is to come.
Hebrews 13:12-14 NASB

Monday, July 13, 2020

Este é o Evangelho!

Amigo, Deus é Santo.
Há um Deus no Céu o qual criou você e eu, e ele é a autoridade sobre ambos.
Ele é perfeitamente santo.
"Deus é luz, e não há nele treva nenhuma" (1 João 1:5).
E o problema com isto é que se nós quisermos ter comunhão com Deus, nós temos que ser luz e nenhuma escuridão.
E aqui está o problema: nós somos escuridão.
Nós somos cheios de pecados.
Todos quebramos a lei Dele.
Todos mentimos, roubamos, todos olhamos com luxúria, todos tivemos ódio contra nossos irmãos em nossos corações.
Todos estamos aquém do glorioso padrão de perfeição que Deus requer (Rom 3:23).
E não há nada que possamos fazer sobre isto.
Nenhuma quantidade de trabalhos, nenhuma quantidade de contrição, nenhuma quantidade de sentimentos ruins, nenhuma quantidade de presença em Igreja, nenhuma quantidade de leitura da Bíblia, nenhuma quantidade de evangelismo pode obter o perdão dos nossos pecados e a retidão que Deus requer (Tito 3:5; cf. Isa 64:6).

E ainda assim Deus é gracioso, e Ele nos ama, e enquanto Suas criaturas Ele quer mostrar a nós Sua glória ao nos resgatar disto.
E enṭo Ele enviou Seu Filho РDeus na carne, o Senhor Jesus Cristo Рpara nascer como um bebezinho indefeso (Jọo 1:14; 3:16; Col 2:9).
Deus do universo, sustentador do universo, Ele mesmo sendo sustentado no útero de uma jovem Hebraica, e sustentando o mundo pela palavra de Seu poder (Heb 1:3) enquanto Ele é sustentado pelos nutrientes do corpo dela!
E em grande humildade, Ele cresceu com as dores da vida num mundo caído, apesar Dele Mesmo nunca ter pecado algum em si – inteiramente sem pecado (2 Cor 5:21; Heb 4:15; 7:26).
E Ele viveu uma vida de perfeita retidão.
Da forma que você e eu falhamos em viver às vistas de Deus – do jeito que nós falhamos em pensamento, palavra, e ato, e ficamos aquém da glória de Deus – Cristo nunca o ficou.
Nem sequer em pensamento.
Ele amou Deus, Seu Pai, perfeitamente.
Ele sempre caminhou em perfeita retidão.
Ele viveu a vida que você é comandado viver, que eu sou comandado viver, que nós falhamos em viver.
Ele viveu a vida perfeita que a dignidade de Deus demanda.

E não somente Ele viveu por nós, Ele morreu por nós.
Ele foi à Cruz.
Nosso Pecado exige a morte.
Nosso pecado exige punição eterna.
Nosso pecado exige a ira – a justa ira exercida em nós por toda a eternidade (Rom 6:23).
Mas por causa da infinita dignidade da pessoa de Cristo, Ele estava naquela cruz.
E naquela cruz, Deus exerceu Nele a complete fúria de Sua própria ira (Rom 3:24-26; 2 Cor 5:21; Gal 3:10-14), que a mim e a vós era justamente devida, e que você vai receber se não se tornar do seu pecado e confiar neste Messias.
Cristo nasceu, viveu, morreu, e foi erguido (1 Cor 15:3-4).
E ele se ergueu do túmulo após ter sido morto, demonstrando assim Sua vitória sobre o pecado e a morte.

E agora Deus promete que se você se tornar do seu pecado, se você repudiar tudo que você é e tudo que foi e tudo que amas, e você se tornar contrário a uma vida procurando o pecado – e se você repudiar não somente seus trabalhos malignos como também suas benfeitorias, se você se tornar de tentar obter sua salvação por todos os bons atos que você possa desejar fazer enquanto uma pessoa moral – se você se tornar de tudo isso (Atos 17:30-31), e você confiar em Cristo sozinho para retidão (Filip 3:7-8; cf. Rom 3:28; 10:4), Deus promete que Ele vai te perdoar.
Ele terá tratado Cristo na cruz como se Cristo tivesse vivido sua vida.
E Ele então tratará você, justamente e legalmente e em retidão, como se você tivesse vivido a vida reta e perfeita de Cristo (2 Cor 5:21).
E você pode ser salvo para conhecer o Deus que o criou para amar e apreciar.
Você pode ter a totalidade da alegria, o eterno desfrutar que há à mão direita do Pai no Céu(Salmo 16:11), e começar mesmo agora, porquê vida eterna é conhecer Deus (João 17:3).

Amigo, você se arrepende? Você se torna do seu pecado e passa a confiar neste perfeito Salvador para te redimir frente a Deus, para pagar por seus pecados e te prover retidão?

Este é o Evangelho!
The English text translated from is used by the permission of Mike Riccardi and translated into Portuguese by T. C.
The original video and text in English are HERE.
You can also find the Portuguese translation HERE.

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Church History, Kidnapped Amish Woman, & Encouraging Music

Lessons to Understand and Appreciate the Basics of Church History I have listened to lectures (online) by Nathan Busenitz on historical Theology, and this book on church history looks like it would be good for groups or classes!
There seems to be a teacher's guide.

Missing Woman
I've been following the story of a young Amish woman who disappeared in Pennsylvania on June 21, 2020.
I do not endorse the Amish as far as their beliefs go.
They seem to not have the true Gospel (they believe in being kept by works and generally not saved by faith alone..but by staying Amish & keeping manmade rules).
That being said, the latest update looks to be very sad.  They have some evidence of kidnapping, and they are charging someone.  They have not found her.  It's not looking good.
Please check out the photos of Linda, the car and man (suspect), and share, if you would like to help.

Man Charged with Kidnapping Linda Stoltzfoos

Go to this link to find a picture of Linda Stoltzfoos.

Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus
Many of us are going through difficult times of various kinds.
Darren Wiebe and a friend of his did an online hymn sing awhile back, and I've gone back and been encouraged by this song.

Monday, July 6, 2020

Long Distance Blessings

Some people may assume that only in person relationships and communication are of value.
That isn't always the case.

Think about this - though Paul met some of the people at the churches he wrote to, he may not have known all of the people in them in a close personal way...especially if the churches continued to grow in numbers.
Since God uses letters in His Word (and those are used in our lives as believers to put it mildly), then in a lesser sense - why deny that today long distance communication can have a great impact on people?

In the case of today, people can readily communicate back and forth, and we have audio and video available to us. 
Relationships and encouragement are not always a one way street. You never know just how much God may use what you say or share online, especially when it is Scripture or Biblically-based.

So, if you are a Christian, and you are reaching out to give the Gospel or encouragement to people or sharing Scriptures or spiritual songs, don't give up even when people don't or can't reciprocate.
I know that we shouldn't let how we act depend on how others behave.
Love should be others centered even when it's not returned.
It's a challenge, but then I remember how God is patient with me and loves me as His child.

I've been very blessed by some people online...hearing preaching, podcasts, singing, reading social media (yes, surprise!), and even receiving a rare prized card or letter or gift!

God has really blessed me as someone unable to do much, and I hope that God will use or has used me in the lives of some of you...even from a distance!

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Thoughts on the Destruction of Statues

Those who destroy statues of sinners forget that they are sinners themselves.
Destroying the statues won't change history or hurt the people depicted.
Those people are either going to be judged by God, or they are forgiven sinners who are with the Lord (if they were believers).

The hate inside those who destroy (or those who want to overthrow the country due to the imperfect history it has) will more likely destroy the destructive angry people themselves.
It won't change their own prejudices or the prejudices of others.
Only God can tranform hearts and behavior and prejudices.

I believe some would be surprised to know that there will be people in Heaven who were sinners just like some of those depicted by the statues.  
There will be those who had slaves or supported it like Philemon, Jonathan Edwards, and George Whitefield, etc.
There will be those who had multiple wives like David and Jacob/Israel, etc.. 
I'm not excusing sinful behaviors or practices, but it is a good reminder to think about that those things were in those God used greatly when they were on earth. 

In this day of canceling and writing people off quickly, we should be thankful that God doesn't treat His children that way when we sin in thought, action, word, or deed.
He even shows mercy and love to enemies by providing the sun and rain and food while they are on earth.
He is much more patient with us than we are with others.

The statues mean little and should not be worshipped, but they are a reminder of history ...both good and bad.
Not only is it wrong to destroy what doesn't belong to you, it also ignores that even out of the mixture of good and bad in history there are traces of God's handiwork to be found.

You can petition for things like statues to be moved to museums if you want.  
That doesn't bother me.
You will never be able to create a perfect country untainted by sin by destroying historical pieces or making demands to defund the police or completely change the government or justice system.

The Christian realizes that Christ will return, and His Kingdom will be better than anything previously known since the fall of man.
Anything that people come up with today will fail either immediately or eventually.
It will be tainted by sin.
The reason why is that sin infiltrates even the best of governments.
Even if the United (or not so United) States is allowed to destroy itself as a judgment of God, I know that my hope is in the Lord.

It is better to take refuge in the LORD Than to trust in man.
Psalm 118:8 NASB

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

John MacArthur on the Riots ➕ Free Expository Preaching Lectures

"Who's to Blame for the Riots? "
On Sunday, John MacArthur gave a message which outlined the restraints that God has given for people and society.
If you missed it, you can listen HERE.  I was watching it with family (live-streaming) Sunday afternoon, and I later saw comments by others about it online.  I recommend checking it out.

John MacArthur talked with Larry Elder about the message above:

Part 2: John responds to questioning from Larry Elder.

Free Lessons on Expository Preaching
The Master's Seminary has free lectures online which should be helpful for qualified men to learn the fundamentals of preaching.
You can find them HERE.

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Should Respect for Governmental Authority Be Ignored in Times Like These?

The short answer is "No."
I watched some of the "news" this morning.
The media continues to undermine Presidential authority and the respect that should be shown to authority (as Scripture teaches).
I also notice that they have all but abandoned concern for the health of people.
You don't see them complaining very much about the mass gatherings or the risk of COVID-19...only maybe a brief mention.

Breaking the law is not peaceful.  
Yes, that means that people breaking curfew are not doing God's will (Romans 13 and 1 Peter 2:13-17).
If they are asked to disperse and refuse, law enforcement is perfectly justified in dispersing them.
Meanwhile, people's businesses have been damaged or ruined, people injured, and even the name of protest. 
People have damaged monuments and police vehicles (which is something that costs the taxpayers money).

Can people not see the hypocrisy of those showing hate and doing damage to people and property? 

The police are recruited from the same sinful human race as everyone else, and those who protest them are not any less prone to sin. 
There are those in law enforcement who do their best every day.  
The main thing that is systemic is sin's presence in all of humankind.
The Bible teaches me to obey authorities.  It doesn't even say "just the ones who are nice."
It teaches us to love our neighbors.  It teaches love and prayer even for enemies.

America has the blessing of allowing people to address things in a lawful and peaceful way.
So, those who see bad things that they want to address can do it without breaking the laws or disrespecting authority.
Many countries do not have nearly as much freedom as we have.
The most common injustice in America that causes death is against babies in the womb.
Sadly, that has been made legal.
Some people seem to think they can be anarchists when they see something wrong, but this shouldn't be the case with Christians.

Have you ever hated or been angry with someone?
Matthew 5:21-22 shows that in God's sight anger can be as bad as murder.
Even righteous anger can quickly turn into unrighteous anger.
Have you ever lusted?
That is as bad as adultery in God's eyes.
God's justice always will prevail, but the whole human race is sinful regardless of color or ethnicity.
There is none righteous.
We are born a sinful race.  All of us.
We need forgiveness and mercy, and the only way to have that is through faith in Christ ... to have His perfect righteousness credited to our account.  He died to satisfy God's just wrath against the sins of all who put their trust in Him, and He rose again (Romans 4:25).
Please watch this ➨What is the Gospel message?

Friday, May 22, 2020

Doctrinal Danger & Lost Friendship

Since I used to endorse and share things from Tony Miano in years past, I believe it is right to share the following two videos.

I know I'm rather late saying anything about this on my blog, but I would encourage people who are familiar with Mike Reid or Tony to watch the interviews and strongly consider them.

I truly care about Tony Miano, his family, and the others in the church he is in (though we are no longer online friends).
I could not support his move to that church, and now, I see the red flags even more.

Sharing these is not about my personal hurt.
This is not about wanting to hurt others.
This is not about slander.
This is about researched information and testimony from different people.
My hope is that God will work in the hearts of people and that truth will prevail.
I care about people enough to share these things.

I have been removing posts related to Tony until such time as things turn around.
I cannot guarantee that I haven't missed some of them for those checking.
I hope that I will not lose friends, but I believe this is the right thing to do.

 Please hear what the doctrinal views and practices are of the church mentioned, and please consider the risks to people due to them.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Those Who Love Me & Those Who Don't

I don't put a lot of credit to my dreams.  
Sometimes my dreams do reveal things that are fears or insecurities that I have. 
I had a dream this morning where I learned that someone was rejecting me for my lack of eloquence and interesting conversation.  
What with brain fog making thinking unclear and never having had any confidence in the skill of conversation making, it is easy to see why this kind of dream would disturb me.
I have less going on in my life than when I was young, and so the quantity of topics I have to share about even online is quite limited.
I realized it was only a dream, and I can't really read the minds of those who choose to not respond to me.

It made me think about how people actually do show partiality and reject others, and so I looked up some verses related to various kinds of partiality as addressed in Scripture.

If, however, you are fulfilling the royal law according to the Scripture, “YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF,” you are doing well.
But if you show partiality, you are committing sin and are convicted by the law as transgressors.
James 2:8-9 NASB

James was warning about not holding our faith with an attitude of personal favoritism - giving an example of how someone might ignore a poor person and show favor to the rich.

Opening his mouth, Peter said:
“I most certainly understand now that God is not one to show partiality, but in every nation the man who fears Him and does what is right is welcome to Him.
Acts 10:34-35 NASB

God saves people of all ethnicities and colors, and so the Gospel is to be proclaimed to everyone.
Unity in Christ also includes every believer without distinction.

“But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven; for He causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.
"For if you love those who love you, what reward do you have?
Do not even the tax collectors do the same?
Matthew 5:44-46 NASB

Even when people reject us and are mean to us, those of us who are Christians should remember that we don't deserve God's mercy and grace.  We must remember that we were once enemies though chosen of God.  God even gives rain and food to those who do not receive His truth and trust in Him.
We are to love our enemies and pray for them.
In many cases, it is often God that people are objecting to the most.
They reject us as we represent Him.

Do I love only my friends and not others?  
Do I love those who do not show love back to me?
Do I forgive people who hurt me?  
Do I love those that I have little in common with outside of their being fellow Christians?  
Do I show love to my enemies?  
Do I love those who say things that make me angry?  
Do I love the lost who are blind to the truth and spew out evil or rude things?  
Do I pray for them?

I'd have to say that I'm not always consistent on this, and I certainly don't always react right immediately.  
I still have a long ways to go in sanctification.
Do you struggle with this?
Christians, please pray for me, and let me know if you would like prayer in this area (or any other).

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Adoption Deferred, American Puritans, & a Live-Streamed Hymn Sing on May 13, 2020

Hope Deferred 
I've been praying about a young girl's adoption for a long time now, and the article linked below filled in some of the gaps in my knowledge of the situation.
It is all of God's plan, but it has been difficult for the family.
COVID-19 Ruined OUR Adoption Plans - Peter LeDuc

The American Puritans
Nate Pickowicz has teamed up with Dustin Benge to write a new book about some of the New England Puritans.
I have not read this particular book, but I know that Nate is an excellent writer.
I've also seen Dustin Benge's presence on Twitter, and so I know he has good things to say as well.
The American Puritans (on Amazon)
The book is also available to order on the Reformation Heritage Books site HERE.

Hymn Sing 

Grace Bible Church of Bakersfield, California, has been having a time for singing hymns live-streaming online on Wedenesday nights for a few weeks.
I've been enjoying participating by singing at home, even though it starts at 10 PM where I live!
It begins at 7 PM Pacific time. 
If you are able to be online and to sing along, I highly recommend it!

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Immigration from the Soviet Union - God's Faithfulness in Harrowing Times

Their parents were arrested as Christians in a communist country.
Christian literature was hidden under one of them as a baby (and discovered).
This is a really interesting account of how God brought Mark & Joe as children to the U.S. from Russia (Latvia) 30 years ago, and how it can relate to our own difficult situations.

Thinking Biblically with Mark and Joe Zhakevich
Mark and Joe Zhakevich, elders at our church and professors at The Master’s Seminary, reflect on God’s faithfulness, family, and immigrating to the United States.
Posted by Grace Community Church on Saturday, April 25, 2020

When I was young and went to Grace Community Church, letters were sent to encourage Christians in the Soviet Union.
I later met some others who came from Russia and were trying to minister to people still there.

Before glasnost and perestroika, I used to listen to the news in my youth and about how close war could be with the Soviet Union.
I also remember imagining as a young person about somehow being a missionary in Russia, but then young people often think they are braver than they really are or turn out to be as adults.

I found the story of these guys fascinating.
I'm sure it was frightening in reality for the adults, and yet, God was faithful!
That doesn't mean that God isn't faithful when people do get imprisoned or sick or in hardships.
The Lord is still the faithful Shepherd of His sheep.  He will be with us and help us.
I know I need to keep reminding myself of these things.

Friday, April 24, 2020

All Things for Good - During a Pandemic

And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.  Romans 8:28 NASB

Christians know this is true, but we don't always think about it when we go through trials or inconveniences in life.
Some people kindly responded to a question I posed online recently.

What is one way you have seen God using this time (of COVID-19) for good?

"He’s provided more time for reading and learning." - Miyoshi

"I’ve seen some unexpected people tuning into live-streamed sermons that were unexpected. SDG"
- Justin B.

"I know of several people that have become better stewards of what God gives. Things like not wasting food, being more careful about spending, spending more time with family, being thankful for those in their life and praying for one another." - Richard S.

"More intentional communication with others. Time. Growth in sanctification!" - Jeanine S.

"1- I've seen more people publicly asking for prayers all over the world, which makes us remember the needs outside our circle.
2-The isolation has served to bring to mind the real depth and effects of private sins."
- Marco S.

I have seen it make all of us long for the fellowship with other believers, and it has given us opportunity to spend more time in Bible study, reading good books. 
I have seen it for myself personally make me remember to pray more for many to come to Christ. 
I have seen opportunities for the gospel, and know of many who have relatives and friends who are more open to listening to the truth. - Wendy C.

Here is my response to my own question with additional thoughts:

From the things I have heard and observed, the Gospel has been proclaimed online a lot more through preaching, social media, and other online videos during this time.
God has used this, and He may be using it more than we know.
People have realized their mortality and have had more time to reflect on their relationship to God.
There have been more services, hymn sings, devotionals, and other videos put out by Biblical churches.
I hope that people will see how useful Gospel video tracts can be in the future!

Thanks again to the others who shared their observations.  
It's always good to remind ourselves of things to be thankful for!

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Love More & Complain Less

It has really bothered me seeing people minimizing the danger of COVID-19 and ridiculing efforts to protect and save lives (and keep hospitals from being overwhelmed).

We still don't know everything about this virus.
Many people have gotten horribly sick (worse than the flu), many have been on ventilators, and many have died (and they aren't all in Heaven). 
Many more would have died if not for the early efforts that some people complain about. 
The family of the 5-year-old in Michigan are going to miss their daughter (in case people don't care about those who die who are older or have other health problems...which they should). 
If you know people who are elderly or have other health issues, do you quickly dismiss their health and their lives?
Most people (if not all) in my immediate family fit into the higher risk category.

A lot of people died in New York, but perhaps some aren't affected by that...if you don't live there. 
I've heard a guy in a live-stream talk about how he was shaking the whole bed being so horribly sick. 
Another lady (another Christian) prayed she would die, it was so awful, and those were cases where they stayed out of the hospital.
Another guy (and this is someone I was acquainted with in the past) was in a coma at a hospital on a ventilator for some time. 
I read about another guy whose organs nearly shut down. 
Then there are those who did not live...husbands, mothers, and others who will be missed by people.
Yes, those of us who belong to the Lord will go to be with the Lord, and God will be with us in our sickness. 

I'll admit that being horribly sick does frighten me.  
I already have a number physical problems.  
I don't like to feel crummy, but I already have feelings of unwellness often (and dizziness).

There are those who are blessed and have coronavirus mildly or are asymptomatic (though they may spread it to others), but a lot of people who get it do not consider it a picnic. 
Even churches have lost pastors. 
Those who have lost loved ones will not be impressed by bravado or mockery of those trying to make decisions to save lives. 

Christians should be willing to sacrifice for the health of others despite knowing that those in Christ who die will have joy and not suffer any more. 
We, of all people, should care about eternal souls, and we as Christians should be patient and good citizens.
If we complain all over social media about temporary rules, does that make us a better witness to the world?
This isn't about persecution for the most part.
Sure, some politicians will not always be consistent, but within their worldview many of them are doing their best.

Now, I realize some people are hurting financially, and that is why it is good to cautiously move toward opening things up when possible.
As Christians, we should pray for authorities to make wise decisions.
If you can help someone else in need, that is a great thing to do.

I realize I've vented a bit on here.  
I still care about those who disagree with me, and I know I need to be more patient with others.

I would like to copy what I saw on another blog for my next post (to be encouraging).
What is one way you have seen God using this time for good?
I would like to get responses to choose from.

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Are You Ready for Death?

God is holy, and humans are by nature sinners. 
We deserve God's just wrath...spiritual & physical death and eternitiy in Hell.
That is what you are headed for when you die apart from Christ.
Is there any way for sinful man to be reconciled to a perfectly holy & righteous God? 
This is the Gospel:
God sent His Son, truly God and truly man, born of a virgin to live a sinless life perfectly obeying God's Law. 
He lived the life that you & I cannot. 
We fail every day multiple times a day in thought, word, and in our actions.
We cannot earn salvation. 
The Law only proved how sinful we are. 
But He wasn't. 
He willingly suffered a terrible death on a Roman cross. 
He shed His blood taking the punishment for the sins of His people. 
He absorbed the punishment of sins of everyone who would ever believe. 
He was buried in a borrowed tomb, and on the third day He arose from the dead! 
He is sitting at the right hand of the Father. 
The Spirit (God is Triune) was sent to indwell His children. 
You must come to God in repentant faith trusting in Christ's death for your sins. 
There is salvation in no one else. 
You are not a good person. 
You need Christ's perfect righteousness imputed to your account in order to be saved. 
Only He can save us from our sins.
Trust in Christ and in His righteousness, His death for your sins, and believe that God raised Him from the dead.  
He saves the guilty.  
Those who come to Him He will not cast out, and He will give eternal life.
If you die physically as a Christian, you will have eternal joy.
Please read the 66 books of Scripture.
You can visit my other site HERE.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Hope, New Bible Translation, Preacher Equipping, & a Cowper Song

Steadfast Hope

Steve Lawson has been doing daily devotionals (on weekdays) during this time of social distancing due to COVID-19. 
You can watch them LIVE at 6 AM Pacific / 8 AM Central / 9 AM Eastern / 2 PM BST, or you can watch the recorded videos later at the same place - HERE
They are also streaming it on Facebook (Steven J. Lawson or One Passion Ministries).

The Legacy Standard Bible

John MacArthur recently announced that there is work being done on a new Bible translation that should be even more accurate than the NASB.  You can hear what he said about it HERE.

Equipping Preachers

Another exciting thing I recently learned about is the MacArthur Center for Expository Preaching which is supposed to launch in October.
Go HERE for the YouTube channel.
Click HERE for the actual site where you can sign up for information.

Peace! Be Still!

Here is a song for your day:

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Death Is Coming, but There Is Hope

People are dying.
I've seen reminders of that by just opening up and looking at social media today.
Not only are people dying of COVID-19, they die of lots of other causes that are unrelated.
Those are in addition to the thousands of children in the womb who die every day due to mothers and fathers and grandparents not wanting to care for them.  Their lives are snuffed intentionally with no effort to save them.
It's good to try to rescue older people.  They are valuable and loved.  If they are unsaved, there is still hope while they live that they may yet be saved by the Lord.
Death will come to each one of us, and none of us wants to suffer misery or loss.
There is no eternal hope for those who have not turned to the Lord and been forgiven of their sins.
For those who belong to the Lord, there is the expectant hope that we can have.
Though our faith may not always be strong, yet we can look to the Lord and remind ourselves of His love for His children.  He died for our sins, and our eternity is sure despite our wavering feelings.
Are you one of His children?
The Gospel is given in various languages on the following site/link:
The Gospel in Various Languages

It Is Well With My Soul (Twitter Version)

Here is another hymn that people on Twitter sang during this time of restrictions due to COVID-19.
It is wonderful to see the positive side of social media, and this song is a great reminder in this troubled time.


For this perishable body must put on the imperishable, and this mortal body must put on immortality. When the perishable puts on the imperishable, and the mortal puts on immortality, then shall come to pass the saying that is written:
“Death is swallowed up in victory.”

“O death, where is your victory?
O death, where is your sting?”
The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. 
But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
1 Corinthians 15:53-56 ESV

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Twitter Hymn Sing During Quarantine

Some people on Twitter decided to do some hymn singing during this time of quarantine.
Different people contributed different lines of the hymn "How Great Thou Art" recently.
There were some people who didn't realize that certain lines had been done already, so this thread is slightly different from a version put on YouTube by someone else.

Click HERE for the First Segment of the Twitter Hymn Sing Thread.
Click "Show this thread" under the first video.

To see the end of the song, please click on the two last parts below.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Gospel Message for These Times, Comforting Music, & Calming Waves

We are not strong.  We are weak.  
Here is a Gospel video to share as people face the threat of COVID-19.

Here is an encouraging song for this season.

Sometimes you need to relax and take a break from the news and social media.
Looking at videos of God's creation (even if looped) can be very enjoyable!

Saturday, March 14, 2020

COVID-19 - Trusting God in Times of Trouble

Aisles are emptied of toilet paper and cleaning supplies.
Fears are high.
People are reacting to the news of the pandemic of COVID-19, and the U.S. President has declared a state of emergency.

Churches are having to make decisions (or have been given mandates by governing authorities) not to meet when they have more than a certain amount of people involved.  It isn't as though they are only targeting churches, because the same is true for any gathering.  This isn't a matter of taking the freedom of worship away, and even larger churches can have smaller Bible studies in homes (besides live-streams).
Lots of events have been cancelled.  Some schools are closing, and some are going to online classes.

We have been told that it is older people who are at highest risk as well, as those who have other health issues (heart disease, diabetes, immune disorders, etc.).
Meanwhile, this week I have had a virus...coughing and low-grade fever.
Sure, it makes me nervous.
It's likely some other virus that's been spreading locally (as I have not been out of the country and had little contact with people).  I'm not going out anywhere anyway.
Someone else in the house seems to be getting it as well.
I'll admit I don't like being sick or the extra difficulties it brings.
You can be a germ freak (like me) and still get sick.

It's good to follow precautions, but whether we get sick or when we get sick is ultimately in the hands of God despite our best efforts.
God is good, and He always does what is right.  We can trust Him for matter what.
These things might seem like platitudes, but it is true and can be wrongfully discarded for having heard these things so often.
I must keep reminding myself of what is true about God and what he has done.
I do tend to be fearful even though I don't want to be that way.
Reading Scripture and remembering verses is always a good idea.
I read in Psalm 77 today, and that Psalm is a prime example of how I should be.
That psalmist cried to God though he was discouraged, but he brought things to mind about God and what He had done.
This is very helpful.
Praying is also something I need to continue to do when I am afraid.
When I pray, I can also remember others.
It is so easy to be self-focused.

Those who are able-bodied can also take things to people's doors (if they know they are in need).
I read of a church offering to order groceries for older people to be delivered to their doors.
One thing I can do is try to be an encouragement...even from a distance (though my hands and wrist are aggravated from overuse).
My mind is not always sharp, so I am thankful I can look things up that I've shared with people in the past!

Here are some verses that I hope will encourage you today:

The LORD is good,
A stronghold in the day of trouble,
And He knows those who take refuge in Him.
Nahum 1:7

Shall we indeed accept good from God and not accept adversity?” 
In all this Job did not sin with his lips. 
Part of Job 2:10 

And which of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life’s span?
Luke 12:25

Behold, God is my helper;
The Lord is the sustainer of my soul.
Psalm 54:4

Trust in the Lord with all your heart 
And do not lean on your own understanding.
Proverbs 3:5

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. 
And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. 
Philippians 4:6-7

And my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:19

Why are you in despair, O my soul?  And why have you become disturbed within me?  Hope in God, for I shall again praise Him For the help of His presence. 
Psalm 42:5

Why are you in despair, O my soul?  
And why have you become disturbed within me?  
Hope in God, for I shall yet praise Him, 
The help of my countenance and my God. 
Psalm 42:11

in everything give thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. 
1 Thessalonians 5:18 
(All verses NASB)

I've seen some videos of Italians singing during their quarantine.  
Wouldn't it be neat if Christians were singing?
It would be really great to be reminding others of our hope in the Lord and that we can still worship Him and trust Him.

Do you know God?  Do you know what will happen when you die?
Please watch this video:

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Shepherds' Conference 2020 Wrap-Up & Coronavirus Map

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Map
I've been reading some about COVID-19 recently (symptoms, who is most likely to die from it, looking at maps of those infected, etc.).
People can have a (dry) cough, fever, and shortness of breath.
It is a different strain than other coronaviruses, so it is relatively new to the medical world.
Here was an earlier article on the demographics of it:
Who is getting sick? ....

There have been no cases (so far) of COVID-19 reported too close to where I live (though there are 4 elsewhere in the state).
UPDATE: There is 1 confirmed case in the broader region of where I live...
7 total cases in the state now.  That will probably increase, but I won't be updating every time!
Some people have gone overboard about it when they may be less at risk, and some people are too dismissive in my opinon.
Our household is one of those who does have people at higher risk for complications with illness, so I can't be too dismissive.
A few years ago I think it was, we weren't sure one of my parents was going to make it with flu complications affecting the person in very serious ways.

As Christians, we know God is sovereign, so even our best efforts are not the ultimate determining factor in what happens to us.

The following map shows current cases of the coronavirus, recoveries, and death statistics.

Shepherds' Conference Wrap-Up
The Master's Seminary shared the main session notes for the 2020 Shepherds' Conference on their website.  So, if you want to check those out, you can find them HERE.

If you want to watch the videos while they are on Facebook, you can find them HERE.

They should have the audio and video uploaded at some point on their official site (for 2020), so keep checking HERE for that.

I enjoyed live-streaming the conference, and I especially liked the photos that were shared by the people who kindly participated in my game of giving points to people who met each other there!
The conference music was beautiful, and the teaching was excellent!

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Shepherds' Conference 2020, Tennessee Tornado, & Presidential Election

The Shepherds' Conference starts today (Wednesday), and it goes through Friday.
I'm excited!
I'm hoping John MacArthur will be well enough to speak.
You can see the schedule and watch on the official site:
Shepherds' Conference

Tornado in Tennessee
A couple of people have wondered if we were okay after the recent storms.  The tornado devastation was in middle Tennessee (a lot of it in Putnam County) in the broader Nashville vicinity.
We are a few hours away in northeast Tennessee where it was still very stormy, and there was a flood advisory in the vicinity for awhile that expired.
Several years ago there were some tornadoes in this area (especially an area that often gets high wind).  We were fine then too, but we did have a tornado warning and sheltered in the area of the house that we thought would be safer.
That being said, I've seen reports from the recent tornado event in the greater Nashville area that there are 24 or 25 people dead and 38 missing.  There are buildings damaged and demolished.
A church that is in a county affected (which I visited a few years ago) is Midway Baptist Church.
If people want to help with relief efforts, here is some information I received:

Presidential Election
There is not going to be a fantastic option for President in the general election, but the following site will give some clues on where candidates stand on certain issues.  One of the issues is abortion.
If you care about the lives of babies in the womb, please consider their views carefully.
On the Issues
One party fully supports taking the lives of babies.
That is the Democrat party.
Abortion is no better than Pharoah or Herod having babies put to death outside the womb.  Make no mistake.
God creates the human life in the womb, and murder is just as serious today as it was at the beginning of the world.

“Whoever sheds man’s blood,
By man his blood shall be shed,
For in the image of God
He made man.

“As for you, be fruitful and multiply;
Populate the earth abundantly and multiply in it.”
Genesis 9:6 -7 NASB

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Pastoral Authority Limitations, Critical Race Theory Explained, + Should Churches Use Hillsong & Bethel Music?

How Much Authority Does a Pastor Have?

Have you heard of or been to a church where the people seem to be micromanaged in a way that raises red flags?  
The following article is not exhaustive but helpful to explain the Scriptural pattern for pastors /elders.

What is Critical Race Theory, and why is it wrong?

If you are like me and struggle to remember and articulate things, having things available to review  in written form can be very beneficial.  
Not long ago someone asked me what CRT was, and I found myself fumbling to attempt to answer them (despite all I've heard before).
Eric Davis has a blog post which takes information from different sources and describes what Critical Race Theory & Intersectionality are (and their un-Biblical worldview).

Should Churches use Hillsong & Bethel Music?

I've watched a few newer videos in recent times which gave good reasons for avoiding using music from these sources. 
While an occasional song might have okay lyrics and your individual conscience might let you sing those privately, there are ramifications of churches singing their music. 
It can encourage people to look them up and get led to their false teaching, financially aid their dangerous teaching, etc.
Much of the lyrics also reflect the poor Theology and dangerous views of those places.

(I don't know the pastor here or what version or paraphrase he was using, but this was a thoughtful message to consider.)

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Thoughts on God's Grace

Salvation is by God's grace alone through faith in Christ alone.

For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, so that no one may boast. Ephesians 2:8-9 NASB

Grace is unmerited favor.

I think Spurgeon might have described it something like this (which I borrowed from an old post that I did): 
The fountain of God's grace is like a heart pump sending blood through the blood vessel of faith to me (my soul) from God.

God's grace is not a commodity bestowed on us for things we do (the Catholics wrongly treat it like that).

His grace should also not be cheapened by believers as some have tried to do by seeming to think that they can sin all the more that grace may abound.

What shall we say then? Are we to continue in sin so that grace may increase? 
May it never be!  How shall we who died to sin still live in it?
Romans 6:1-2 NASB

It is God's grace that He saves sinners who are unworthy, and believers stand in His grace and grow in grace.
Grace is not a one time event in the life of those whom God has chosen to save.

Grace was realized through Jesus.

For the Law was given through Moses; grace and truth were realized through Jesus Christ. 
John 1:17 NASB

Believers stand in grace.

Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom also we have obtained our introduction by faith into this grace in which we stand; and we exult in hope of the glory of God. 
Romans 5:1-2 NASB

God's grace instructs believers to deny ungodliness.

instructing us to deny ungodliness and worldly desires and to live sensibly, righteously and godly in the present age, 
Titus 2:12 NASB

Are you a Christian?
We cannot be justified by or kept by our works (Law or good deeds).
Nothing we do can make or keep ourselves right with God. 
We are sinful, and God is holy. 
That's why we need Christ as the substitute for us....who lived the perfect life & died taking the punished deserved for all who would ever believe (satisfying God's just wrath against our sin), and He also rose from the dead for the justification of life ---the validation that the sacrifice was accepted. 
All men everywhere are commanded to repent and believe the Gospel.
Those who belong to Him are His children and will have eternal life.  Those who do not believe are condemned and will be judged.  Hell is real.
We aren't promised tomorrow, and there will be no excuses.

Friday, January 31, 2020

What Does Christian Love Look Like?

John MacArthur gave some convicting messages on love at The Master's University this week.
I highly recommend them for other Christians to watch.

Part 1  
"Pursue Love."
"The loveless person is zero." 
- John MacArthur

Part 2  
"Love doesn't demand to be heard."
"Love doesn't insist on its rights."
"True love is always unselfish."
"Love never becomes exasperated with people. 
Love never loses its temper." 
- John MacArthur

Part 3
Loving the truth means hating error.  
Loving the truth means hating iniquity.... 
We should live a life marked by joy... 
Some Christians become so negative that they 'find the manure pile in every meadow.'
Love is slow to expose anything...and only does so when it is dangerous to the church. 
It should be exposed for love's sake...not resentment.
(This is from what I heard from John MacArthur.)