Thursday, June 30, 2011

Resolved Conference 2011 Highlights

I thought I'd share links for you to read and hear some of the interesting highlights from the 2011 Resolved Conference. AT the bottom of this post I will post links where you can listen to some of the messages in their entirety. Hopefully they will get more of them uploaded soon!
I didn't get to hear a number of the messages, and I only hear parts of some others.
The Question & Answer Session was pretty interesting in finding out more about the speakers. John MacArthur shared how he met his wife which was rather amusing the way he told it.
Steve Lawson gave a message definitely emphasizing God's sovereignty in predestination as well as giving the Gospel:
Here are some more articles you can read about what was said:
I believe it was Sunday's message by C.J. Mahaney that I found especially moving. Here are a couple of quotes from it of things he said that I liked(one his own):
"When you cannot trace His hand, you must learn to trust His heart." --
I'm not sure who originated this, but I know it was borrowed...still good.
"God the Father has ahold of you. He is not going to let you go." --C.J. Mahaney
I still haven't listened to some of the first messages, but the link below will give you a chance to hear those. Please keep checking if you want to hear more of them!

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