Saturday, July 2, 2011

My Friends Jim & Janet Wine

Jim & Janet Wine are some friends of our family who live in Upland, CA. They are in the process of moving from their home to continue on their adventurous process of preparing to go to Argentina as Church planters.
They will have to learn the language better, so that will take up next year for them.
We first met the Wines at a church in West Covina, CA.
Both of our families left that church, and we tried some other churches while they went to a church in Upland. Well, we finally tried and went to the church they did for awhile. It was a long ways to go for us, so we tried some churches not so far away even though we really liked the one they went to.
We ended up going back to Upland for a bit before we moved to Tennessee.
Jim was our Sunday School teacher for awhile at FBC in Upland. He used to have a different career, but God has led him into church work and given him a heart for reaching the lost with the Gospel as well. He was on the board of the ministry for a little while that my Dad was head of before my Dad retired...Mission Vision Network... where radio spots were produced to get people excited about global missions to the unreached.
Jim also was head of Outreach/Missions at church and has been an Associate Pastor at Foothill Bible Church.
Jim is a godly guy and very kind and caring and helpful, and I remember he had humility which I hope he will always have. He has received good Biblical teaching/training and is a fine teacher as well (also ordained by the church). Janet is a godly lady and still involved in spite of having the same physical malady I do. She's even finishing college before they go on to further training.
Church planting may not seem glamorous, but it's really needed in Argentina. Please check out their website below & consider supporting them even if it can only be by praying which God definitely uses for our good and His glory. You can get in on the ground floor in their ministry so to speak.

Oh, and the church website if you want to look into it is:
I hope I haven't said too much!

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