Many years ago (I believe in the 1980s) some of the members of my family used to listen to a radio show called The Thistle & The Shamrock. It was fun to listen to Irish and Scottish music and to get a taste of history as well as a different style of music. Some tunes were lively making you want to get up and move your feet, and some were interesting ballads with a story behind them. The following song was one of our favorite Scottish ballad tunes. I need something relaxing to listen to now and then with all that's going on in the world. Perhaps this is a bit melancholy, but it doesn't depress me like some songs. The person who did this video used some beautiful photos. Enjoy!
:) I began listening to that program in the 1980's... and still do! You can, too - on National Public Radio and directly online on thistleradio dot org. It's one of NPR's most popular programs. Thanks for posting this particular song, which is one of the most beautiful of all.