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Thursday, November 29, 2018

Prayer Requests & Encouragement & Christmas Music

Prayer Requests & Encouragement
A number of medical issues have come up with our family lately, and I know that others are also struggling.
So many people need prayer and comfort and endurance.  I see posts and hear about them and pray for them like many others are probably doing as well.
God often providentially has me hearing encouraging messages or songs during difficult times.
The recent one I shared - When the Healing Doesn't Come  was one, and then today I heard part of Steve Lawson's Bible Study on God causing all things to work together for good...
I'm also encouraged by people praying for requests when I ask...even when I don't specify. 
I don't always feel free to share too many details about others, but I have had something unusual going on with me as well, and I am waiting to see if I will need a surgical procedure next week to do further testing or not (which would require anesthesia ...again).

Music to Cheer
It's that time again!
For those of us who enjoy celebrating the Savior's birth, this congregational music is a good way to start things off.


Tuesday, November 20, 2018

First Thanksgiving, When Healing Doesn't Come, & Evangelism

Thanksgiving Day - Andrew Rappaport tells the story behind Thanksgiving in the U.S.

When the Healing Doesn’t Come - Don Green gave such an encouraging and timely message this past Sunday  Our bodies will fail us.  We will die unless the Lord returns soon.  How should we think about these things as believers?
You can listen to it HERE .

Mike Riccardi tells about ways to transition to the Gospel in conversation.  It's not about a script!


Friday, November 9, 2018

An Open Letter To Veterans for Veterans Day

To those who have served in our military,

Thank you for serving our country.  
Some of you have had to serve in combat, and you've risked your life for freedom.
Growing calloused to death is something that is a risk for those who have seen more death and have had to use a weapon against other human beings.
You have likely seen things that you can never forget.
There can be long-lasting effects to having lived through traumatic circumstances.
Whatever the case, you know that freedom is costly and life is not something to be taken for granted.

Because I care about you, I want you to know the truth that can set you free in an even greater way.
God created you and me.  Yet we have rebelled against Him.  We've broken His Law.  Lying, lusting, stealing, murdering, gossiping, committing adultery or premarital sex or homosexuality, profaning His name, and loving anything more than Him are examples of rebellion against Him.
God is light and there is no darkness in Him at all.  He is holy, and we all deserve His just wrath and punishment.  He is the eternal Judge.  Because of who He is, an eternity in Hell is just punishment.

But mercy God sent His only Son (fully God and fully man) to be born of a virgin, to live a perfectly righteous life that none of us can.  He did miraculous signs attesting to who He is.  Jesus came to earth to die.  The perfect God-man suffered and shed His blood on a Roman cross taking the punishment for sinners who are guilty.  He suffered agony and was killed willingly for the sins of everyone who would ever believe.  This was planned from eternity.  Jesus rose from the dead which was witnessed to by many people.
He is the one who will judge the living and the dead.  He is the way, the truth, and the life.  No one can come to the Father but through Him.

He sent His Spirit to dwell in those who trust in Him.
I urge you to be reconciled to God, to turn from sin and to trust in Christ alone for eternal life.
Those who trust in Him will be with Him forever, and whatever we suffer in this life cannot compare to the joy of eternity with Him.
Please read the 66 books of the Bible.

So, thank you again so much for your willingness to risk your life for my temporal life, and in turn I am giving you the good news that God can use to save your eternal soul that you might have eternal life.

Thursday, November 8, 2018

John Answers a Question on "Social Justice"

They have finally released a clip from the Q & A that John MacArthur did the other week.
John got some questions about the "social justice" issue, and this one has been posted online.
I was blessed to hear the Q & A when it was live-streaming.
The issue is not that people against "social justice" don't care about people.
Those who want to attack people who are not in favor of  "social justice", please listen to the following response.

To sign the Statement on Social Justice go HERE.