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Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Don't Look Away

 What Hamas did in Israel on October 7, 2023, was horrific.  I did not watch everything, but I saw some still photos that were gruesome.  I've read and heard accounts.  I know it happened.  Deniers are liars...just like those who deny the Holocaust of Hitler's time.  Some recently have said things like, "Do not look away."   I understand, as some want to deny the truth.... deny reality.... pretend like there is a good excuse.  They are deluded and blind to the truth.

I was thinking today about how I feel sometimes when I read the account of the crucifixion in the Gospels.  I feel like I don't want to read that part even though I should want to.  I don't like to think of the suffering and humiliation and the injustice.  Yet I know that what Christ suffered...physically and also the wrath of God (which he willingly suffered for others as He was sinless) ...well, that was the only way that my sins could be properly atoned for.  He was my substitute.  

So, while I can't see the physical blood of Christ, or know the depth of His suffering of the wrath of God against my sins and the sins of all who would ever believe, it is necessary to remember and to see the reality with the spiritual eyes He has given me.

Have you seen Christ on the cross in that way?  Have you seen the depth of your sins?  Turn to Christ.  Read His Word, and don't look away from the cross.  Look to Jesus.  Only in Him is forgiveness and eternal life. 

The Bible

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