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Friday, March 1, 2013

Losing Freedom In America - Will We Take a Stand?

President Obama is standing firmly against God and His Word on the issue of marriage. 
I voted for Prop 8 before leaving California.  I also voted for Prop. 22 before that.  I even got signatures from family and friends for Prop. 22, and a family member got signatures of neighbors for Prop. 8

When the nation and the President go against God's plan, we cannot expect God's blessing on this nation.  When millions of babies have been murdered, we cannot think that God doesn't see and ignores the blood of the innocent.  God defined marriage in Genesis 2:24 and Mark 10:7-8.
Homosexuality is clearly taught against in Scripture.  I did a blog post on that subject in the past.  Marriage is a picture of Christ and the church.
I have been accused of bigotry and hate for standing for other Christians and the Bible in regards to homosexuality.  Yet it is likely that some of these same people would fully support the slaughter of preborn babies for simply existing.  I hope that people will repent and turn from their love of sinful lust and worship of pleasure and put their trust in God whose ways are perfect, righteous and pure.  He is patient and ready to forgive and abundant in lovingkindness to all who call upon Him.  (Psalm 86:5)

Freedom in America is going the way of the dinosaur.  A pro-lifer who published the names of people who vandalized a display is treated like he is the guilty one:

In some places in the U.S. we have become like other countries who now have rules and laws that discriminate against Christians for calling sinful behavior sin and refusing to compromise.  The time is now that Christians must stand up and not capitulate.  I must obey God rather than men if I am ever placed in a position where the law goes against God.  I must trust that God will give me strength and courage to stand.  Even if all respected Christians "heroes" cave, I must look to God rather than fallen, frail & fragile human beings.

Some may wonder why someone with my eschatological views makes any efforts at all politically.
As a Christian,  I still have love for others and want to slow down the judgment if possible (God is Sovereign) for the sake of myself and the elect (and I do not know who they are).  God has definitely allowed times of mercy on this nation, and I remember Abraham pleading for Lot's habitation. 

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