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Monday, September 14, 2020

Government Demands or God's Commands - Whose Authority Rules the Church?

The message that John MacArthur gave on Sunday was dynamite.

One person on social media said this:
 The list of things churches in California are being expected to do is something that is way overboard!
John MacArthur listed some of the regulations on Sunday.


There are other churches out there doing basically the same thing as Grace Community Church (and I won't mention names to draw untoward attention by any government officials).
Sadly, you don't see many well-known evangelical leaders around the country speaking out in support of Grace Community Church or the other churches for that matter.

Those who understand that this situation is about more than an illness at this point will understand the dangers of governments creeping their tentacles into churches to try to control what they do or basically trying shut them down (and this isn't about building safety codes).
Liberal government authorities would love to control the church and ignore that Christ is its Head.

Don Green of Truth Community Church in Ohio did a Q & A last week where he was supportive of Grace. 
I'm very thankful for pastors like him.
TCC Q & A with Don Green

The world is a mess.
The U.S. is a mess right now, and we need Christian leaders and churches to stand up.   
It doesn't mean that people don't use the common sense God gave them when the situation calls for it (like when you have autoimmune issues and other health problems), but it does mean that people need to seek the Lord and pray and turn to Him rather than to trust in governments and our own strength (with virtually impossible regulations).
Shuttering or smothering large churches long term is not the answer.
People in Old Testament times were shown time and time again not to trust in their own strength, and when they did things went very badly for them.

It is better to take refuge in the LORD Than to trust in man.
Psalm 118:8 NASB

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