I've been pretty quiet on here lately.
What with the shenanigans going on with the election and other distractions and stresses, I haven't really felt like I've had much to say that you would want to read. The country I grew up in seems to be hurtling downward with little to stop it.
The hope we as Christians have in this world is in the Lord no matter what circumstances God has us in. He is my hope. He is trustworthy.
Those who are not Christians need to hear of the hope we have in the Christ who was not just born of a virgin, laid in a manger, and proclaimed by angels. He also lived a sinless life and died taking the punishment for sinful people who trust in Him. He also rose from the dead. He is God the Son who made the world and is still superintending what is going on today not only in this country, the world, the universe, but in what is happening in my life and yours.
We desire peace and mercy for the country in which we live, but there are times when evil rises up and the people groan and suffer. God has His purposes even in that for the good of His children...to conform us to be more like Christ and to make us long for Heaven. We have been so easily lulled in a life that has had so much freedom.
One thing that I want to encourage other believers to do this week is to think of some way that we can encourage someone else (or even more than one person). One way to get our minds off of ourselves is to remember to love and pray for someone else...especially other Christians who also need encouragement.
Is there someone you can show love to in some way this week?
Many people are distressed or sick or discouraged right now.
It is good to remind ourselves of the eternal perspective and hope in the Lord that we should have, and then to encourage others with it. That is what I need to do.
My soul, wait in silence for God only,
For my hope is from Him.
He only is my rock and my salvation,
My stronghold; I shall not be shaken.
On God my salvation and my glory rest;
The rock of my strength, my refuge is in God.
Psalm 62:5-7 NASB (1977)
God is our refuge and strength,
Thank YOU for YOUR encouragement. I pray that your sweet blog will reach more believers...and unbelievers. Blessings on you!