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Monday, March 28, 2011
To Those Who Are Ready To Seek The Truth
For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, because that which is known about God is evident within them; for God made it evident to them. For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse. Romans 1:18-20 To those of you who read this who do not belong to Jesus, I ask you to consider some things. Do you see yourself as a good person? If so, have you ever broken any of God's laws? Have you ever lied, or stolen, or lusted after someone? God is a righteous judge, but if you admit to your sin then what can be done to make things right between you and Him? God showed love and mercy by sending His Son Jesus to suffer the punishment for sins on a cross. You've probably heard John 3:16 before about that. Jesus was perfect, but He died for sins He never committed. He died for the punishment of your sin if you will turn from your sin and believe and receive Him. He is the Lord, and if you decide to live life your way and turn and continue in disobedience then you will end up in an eternity of Hell. I so long for you to come to know the Lord and be made clean and forgiven from sin and to know peace and have a right relationship with Him. You can know His love and not His wrath if you belong to Him. Please? Here is an audio clip if you are willing to listen to someone else answer the question, "Why Should I Believe In Jesus Christ?" Why should I believe in Jesus Christ?
Friday, March 25, 2011
Courageous - In Theaters September 30
I've seen some reviews, and I'm hoping this will be a really good one. I'm looking forward to it, and I hope they will actually show it in the local theater here in TN. I had been interested in The Grace Card, but that one was only in limited theaters (our area was not included). Perhaps I will see it on DVD later. Bob Vernon was in one of the videos related to Courageous talking about fathers I think. For those who don't know him he was an assistant chief of police in Los Angeles, CA some years ago. Follow the link below to see the trailer.
Courageous - In Theaters September 30
Courageous - In Theaters September 30

Monday, March 21, 2011
Update on New Sovereign Grace Music Album
The new worship album Risen put out by Sovereign Grace Music is out tomorrow (March 22)! It's focus is on the resurrection of Christ, and it is supposed to be available on their site as well as iTunes and other sites as well. I'm looking forward to hearing the song "Name Above All Names" in it's entirety soon! UPDATE 3/22/11: Risen is for sale on iTunes today and Sovereign Grace Music. It wasn't available until afternoon/late afternoon on Sovereign Grace's site, but is now ready for purchase there as well. UPDATE TO THE UPDATE 3/23/11: Sovereign Grace Music store is having trouble, but when it is working it will cost $5 I believe for the MP3 album of Risen until April 4th. Amazon has it for $6.99. You can also have a listen on Rhapsody for free. I'm not sure how much they charge for the music there, but I do listen to things there to decide if I really want or like them. I loved the "Name Above All Names" song by the way. I highly recommend it! UPDATE TO THE UPDATE TO THE UPDATE 3/29/11: Since the webstore of Sovereign Grace Music is having difficulty they are recommending you use the following website to download the music sheets: 4/1/11 This is the new link for downloading the album:
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Worship Music
I thought I would mention again some worship songs that I like. My list could go on and on, so this will definitely not be anywhere near a full list!
The soon to be out Sovereign Grace Music album entitled Risen has especially one standout that I would like to hear the complete song of. It's on
Name Above All Names which is song number 10 is my favorite so far on that.
Okay, here's a list of some of the songs I have gotten over the last few years:
Grace Unmeasured
Jesus, Thank You
Before The Throne of God Above
O Great God
I Will Glory In My Redeemer
Come Thou Fount (Jadon Lavik)
Wonderful, Merciful Savior (Phillips, Craig & Dean)
You Are God Alone (Phillip, Craig & Dean)
Okay, I have some Matt Redman, Chris Tomlin & Newsboys worship music as well.
There are a lot of older worship songs I like, but my mind is tired and I am struggling with a headache today.
Lately I have been listening to some of Josh Wilson's music more which is contemporary Christian.
The soon to be out Sovereign Grace Music album entitled Risen has especially one standout that I would like to hear the complete song of. It's on
Name Above All Names which is song number 10 is my favorite so far on that.
Okay, here's a list of some of the songs I have gotten over the last few years:
Grace Unmeasured
Jesus, Thank You
Before The Throne of God Above
O Great God
I Will Glory In My Redeemer
Come Thou Fount (Jadon Lavik)
Wonderful, Merciful Savior (Phillips, Craig & Dean)
You Are God Alone (Phillip, Craig & Dean)
Okay, I have some Matt Redman, Chris Tomlin & Newsboys worship music as well.
There are a lot of older worship songs I like, but my mind is tired and I am struggling with a headache today.
Lately I have been listening to some of Josh Wilson's music more which is contemporary Christian.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Painting Again

I worked some more on a door painting yesterday. I wait a really long time before I work a bit on these things, so it won't likely be finished for a long time to come. Still, every little bit hopefully improves it! It is painful for me to stand so long. I have only been using photos and a painting to get some ideas from, so I'm afraid it's not like when I use an art book or DVD to help me do a better job. I might take a look at one before I finish though!
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Peter Furler signed with EMI
I just learned tonight that Peter Furler has signed with EMI again. Apparently he is going to go solo. I wonder how that makes the Newsboys feel? I'm really pleased we shall get to hear him sing again. He was wanting to write some songs this year, so now we know this is likely what he was aiming for. We'll see how it goes!
Peter Furler Goes Solo
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