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Friday, November 4, 2011

Moral Relativism Exposed

In the 1980s, a guy named Steve Taylor wrote and performed songs with strong messages that still apply today.  This song deals with subjects like abortion, homosexuality and politicians' deceit.
Today,  there are people so far down the path of moral relativism that they make believe that all of these behaviors are okay that are mentioned in the song.  As a Christian, I know that God doesn't change.  His Word doesn't change, and one day we will all answer to Him for the sins we commit.  People lie, steal, cheat, lust, put other things before God, hate and murder.  When we repent (are sorry for and turn away from sin and to God) and believe/have faith (which He gives) in Jesus' sacrifice for our sin and in His resurrection conquering death, we receive forgiveness and the mercy and the special love and grace offered to us. It is all a gift of God, not of works. We are then saved/redeemed from the punishment that we deserve.  We have a relationship with God as His children then, and we will have eternal life full of joy in His Presence.

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