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Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Dear Pastors

This week I was watching parts of a 9 Marks conference called the "First Five Years." It was directed at newer pastors, and this was one of the messages that especially stood out to me.
Jonathan Worsley is a pastor in England at a church called Kew Baptist.

This message is really worth your time:

Don't Throw Out The Hymn Books
The following is an interesting article about hymns (though one of the songs mentioned in this article I take some issue we don't crown the "All Hail The Power of Jesus' Name" says).
I actually like a mix of hymns & other spiritual songs with good lyrics, but people shouldn't write off the tried and true.
Hymns are still good 

Expository Preaching
A lot of pastors claim to do expository preaching, but do they?
Evangelicalism's Got Talent Part 2

Church Clothes Matter
What a pastor wears can affect how people approach the Word of God:
Q & A: Pastor Jayson Explains Why A Pastor's Wardrobe Matters

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