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Friday, September 18, 2015

Raised Amish - Finding Freedom In Christ

Many Christian book sellers and writers have been profiting off of books about the Amish for quite a number of years, and I admit that I have found a few of them interesting myself though I don't think I've read more than a few.  Before it was so popular I had read an older book where I figured out that the Amish might not be - or probably weren't - really Christians.

Perhaps what fascinates people is that the Amish seem to be stuck back in history.
They generally have a good reputation,  and there is the novelty of something not fully understood.
There are some Amish in the area of Tennessee where I live (though probably not that many), and there are also Mennonites.

I listened to an online radio program recently where a guest answered questions about the Amish.
The guest (who had become a Christian coming out of Roman Catholicism) had connections with people who were Amish or formerly Amish.  I think the guest has even met at least one of the guys in the video I'm sharing with you today.
What he explained on the program really pointed out the similarities between Roman Catholicism and Amish beliefs.  Both are caught up in a works system.  Amish belief isn't Christian, and just like with Roman Catholicism - any true Christian in that system will eventually come out.

The video I'm going to share with you is from a number of years back (in 2009), and there was part two in 2011 (see note below the video about that).

The following documentary was talked about on the radio program I was listening to, and I found it fascinating and enlightening.
It chronicles the story of people who were raised Amish, and the hardships they faced becoming Christians.

I'd love to share the podcast with you also, but I haven't seen that it has been posted.
It was on Iron Sharpens Iron Radio.

Part Two Leaving Amish Paradise does have one time where God's name is used inappropriately in the video when they are talking about young Amish men (I think it may even be one of the Amish that used it) and their time of worldliness / sowing their wild oats (and then they actually show some of the young Amish guys at the time).  Growth and change take time, and I could see some that it would be great if the guys learned Biblical hermeneutics.

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