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Monday, March 21, 2016

Lexi Taken From Her Home

Today I watched live-streaming of a girl named Lexi taken from her home.
She is a 6 year old who has been a foster child - loved and desired for adoption by a family in California.  They had her since she was 2 years old.
The Pages go to the church that some of my family are members of in California (where I attended many years ago).

Why was she taken?  She had a small amount of Choctaw blood.  
Yes, for some drops of blood, they can ship off a child to a non-tribe member step "relative" not actually related by blood.
Nevermind that her foster mother is part Native of some sort (though we are all related to each other through Adam and Eve).  Nevermind that she didn't want to go.

Neighbors, church family, media, and the mayor were all close by in the neighborhood to support this family.  People prayed and sang worship songs.

The social workers finally came to their door, and one person wore a smug smile.   He seemed interested to capture the event with a handheld device.
At first it was very quiet, and then there was noise going on inside, and at some point there was some more singing of people in the distance. I think it was the father who finally carried the girl screaming and crying from the house.
People yelled how they loved her, that they would pray for her, and that she would never be forgotten. The uncle fell on the ground crying, his phone videoing forgotten.

This taking of her was so wrong.  Many have been praying for Lexi and the Pages, and even now Christians everywhere can continue to pray.  God is Sovereign.  We don't always know His plan.

Joseph in the Bible was sold into slavery.  We know God had a long term purpose, and one day God used him  to help save his relatives from a time of famine.  He became second over Egypt.  Yet, knowing this, we don't know what God has for Lexi.  It was meant for evil.  God can bring good.  We pray that somehow even yet that this wrong can be made right, and that Lexi can come home to the Pages where she was happy with her siblings and her parents in love.

This world is very unfair.    A child who is 1/64th Native is treated like chattel by people who care nothing about her, or they would let her stay with the family that she loves.

We are in an evil time, but we know God ultimately will bring the nations to their knees one day.  They will either worship Him, or they will be destroyed.

We sorrow, and those who are Christians pray for Lexi and the whole Page family.
We must trust in the God whose purposes cannot be thwarted...even when everything seems to go wrong.

Even Jesus' death could have looked like victory for Satan, but God triumphed.
Jesus fulfilled His purpose coming to earth as a baby, miraculously born to a virgin, living a perfectly righteous life and performing miracles attesting to the fact that He is truly God the Son in human flesh (100% God and 100% man).  Every prophecy concerning the Messiah was fulfilled in Him to the letter.   His plan included choosing one disciple who would betray Him, and He didn't fight when He was led to slaughter.  Why?  Because He was going to take the wrath of God for the sins of undeserving people such as myself, so that my sin and punishment were placed on Him and His righteousness could be placed on me.   He was the perfect sacrifice, because as man He could represent mankind, and as God He could triumph over sin and death.  He rose again from the dead.   Many people saw Him alive, and He ascended to Heaven.  He will judge the world in righteousness, and He will reign.

Those who repent and trust in His death for their sins, will be forgiven and have eternal life.  Their lives are transformed by Christ, and they will be known by their transformed lives.

This Sunday many will think about the resurrection of Christ, but I hope that many will truly come to true faith in Christ.
He is the only One worthy of our trust, and it is this all powerful, all-knowing, righteous, holy, just, in control God that I need to trust for Lexi and the Pages today.

UPDATE: A lot of misinformation has been put out in the public, so I'm posting a link to the facts:
Facts About Lexi's Case

1 comment:

  1. I am very sorry to hear about Lexi being taken from her family, the Pages. I will keep them all in my prayers for God's will to be done. I pray that she will be returned to her loving family.
